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The NPC Says He is Taking the 15 Items I Gathered.

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In my mod there is an alchemist who asks the hero to go pick 15 fly amanita caps for him. This sounds so simple, how could it get fouled up? Other people do it in their mods all the time. The text at the top of the screen says he is taking 15, but instead of taking 15 he often takes a number between 1 and 14. He always takes one, and sometimes really does take all 15. Are there different form ID numbers for fly amanita, even though they stack into one pile? I have noticed that if I have one stolen fly amanita cap and 14 picked ones, he will take the one stolen one and leave the 14 honestly gathered ones. I have been trying to figure out if there is a difference between purchased mushrooms and gathered ones, or ones I looted from a dungeon.


The commands for the removal of the fly amanita caps and for the adding of the reward to my inventory are placed in the Topics Window of the Quest box in the CS. Does anyone know what is wrong with my mod?

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More Details:


Topic Text:

Fly Amanita


Response Text:

(Blah Blah Blah X5)



OnTarget(GetItemCount FlyAmanitaCap >= 15.00)


Result Script:

Player.RemoveItem FlyAmanitaCap 15

Player.AddItem (Reward Scroll) 1



I am not sure if there is something more effective to use than Player.RemoveItem .

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More Details:


Topic Text:

Fly Amanita


Response Text:

(Blah Blah Blah X5)



OnTarget(GetItemCount FlyAmanitaCap >= 15.00)


Result Script:

Player.RemoveItem FlyAmanitaCap 15

Player.AddItem (Reward Scroll) 1



I am not sure if there is something more effective to use than Player.RemoveItem .

Try using the form ID (8 digit number) instead of the Editor ID.

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