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A Blowing Horn... meshes/animation already exist...


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What are we waiting...the meshes is there...the animation exist ! it just need to be put together,

i can do that...but i'm willing to do a sweet "story" for the player to get it !

I can do all the world modding, arrengement and decoration...and a lil more...but dealing whit animation...i can't !

if some one is whilling to help me out on that one... I'M IN !!!


the mod would let you blow a horn that would strike fears into enemies heart, and alert any "friendly" NPC around you...(that would spawn a imperial legion guard not far that would run to help you...or something like that...) to horn would also be use as a sweet new type of distraction, "blowing it in the morning to call the new heroic journey" lol...eniway you get the picture...


Here's a sweet looking picture of a horn, that look realy close to what is already in game (via mod)...

Blowing Horn Picture

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