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How do I download the mod?

Uberking Robert

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I already asked this question on some other forum and I didn't get any help whatsoever. I mean, I got help, but it wasn't in any way helpful. I can't find the thing on the page I click on to download the thing. Is there a button or somewhere? Don't say I should click on "files", it brings me a list of poo and when I click on some poo, it just gives me a picture gallery and no help at all. WHERE IS THE "DOWNLOAD" BUTTON?


The grammar thing replaces s h i t with "poo"? Ha ha lol. Anyways, all I figured out from that other site is that I must register on this forum in order to download the mods but that doesn't seem to be helping either.

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You need to register on the site do download mods over 2Mb is size. To download click on the 'Files' tab, then click on one of the files (eg for this mod you need to click on 'Ring of Sunwalker V1_3_5'). If that doesn't work then maybe try contacting the admin.
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Now that you are registered, go the the file page and in the upper right click on the log in link and sign into the specific site tesnexus or fallout3nexu....each requires a seperate log in.


Once you are signed in you will be redirected back to the file page, click on the file tab, select the file you want to download and click on it, it will take you to a server selection page, select the file server and click on it, then download will be as you normall download files.



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