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Hello! I've got a technical question for anyone familiar with the inner workings of the TES4 Construction Set.


I've been working on a personal project for a while that involves reading through Oblivion's ESM files and interpreting their data in the C# language. This project is NOT a mod for the game, but it requires a good understanding of the engine and how the game works under the hood. Basically, the app will read the Oblivion ESM and plugin files and give me access to all the groups, records, and subrecords within and their corresponding data that I can use for whatever. This is essentially just a programming exercise for me.


The problem I've run into is figuring out how the engine deals with associating the actual terrain objects with a worldspace and/or cells.


My understanding is that a "LAND" record contains everything necessary to display a terrain properly onscreen, like texture information, mesh vertex heights, etc. But nowhere in this record (at least according to this page), does it actually associate this terrain info with any cell or worldspace. There is also no positional information detailing where the LAND record should exist in the actual 3D space. Likewise, no worldspace or cell references any LAND record (it's worth noting that TES3's LAND records contain coordinate information. This is not the case with TES4).


To summarize, how does Oblivion associate the terrain LAND records with an actual worldspace or cell, and how does it get proper coordinate information to be placed in the world?


Any and all insight is welcome and much appreciated!



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