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Falken Isle: Turnaround


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OK, I started making Falken Isle, and realised that it wouldn't fit into Morrowind. Therefore I have made the decision to make it a Total Conversion of Morrowind.


This means it will take a while longer than anticipated, and that any previous screenshots are invalid.


I have done some planning, and when the map is done, I'll post it up.


The website will be up soon at



Just to give you some idea about it without ruining the storyline (difficult) here is a lowdown.


Falken Isle


OK, when you start playing/thinking about/ flaming the mod, just do me a favour. FORGET MORROWIND! It has some of if not all of the original races, and a lot of new ones, but it is in no way linked to Vvardenfell or Tamriel except for that you are playing it on Morrowind.


General Idea of Storyline without Spoilers!

You are a (INSERT %PCClass HERE) in the land of Falken, a proud and hardy nation. Life carrys on as normal, for the first few hours of gameplay, until....


The far off land of ***INSERT NAME HERE*** invades, and you are thrust into a plot of intrigue.....



Huge. Think Vvardenfell, with Solstheim stuck onto all four edges, and that's just the middle island.

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