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Armor Visual Changer mod?


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I was wondering if there was a mod that would allow me to basically transmog my armor? Or at least turn off the visuals for certain pieces. I wear armor for stats mostly, but I hate how some of them look. Like the Volsung mask or its counterpart. I hate masks because I put a lot of work into my character's face and I wanna see it, but the masks are way to good to not wear.


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Fallout 4 has mods for this, not sure if the functionality exists in Skyrim. The only mods I've seen are those which remove the model of the headgear for everyone wearing it.


The only possible workaround I can think of is to make a smithing recipe for invisible versions of helmets, for which the only ingredient is the visible version. Then you can have recipes to turn them back, for which the ingredient would obvs be the invisible version. That way all you need to do is visit a smithy to do it, and you don't need to create duplicates.


Mind you I'm just spitballing, someone who actually does this stuff could tell you if this would work, idek if you're allowed to use armor pieces in place of crafting materials.

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If you wear them only because of their armor values, be informed that if you were to install Proteus, (other mods provide this as well) you can change armor stats and type for a piece of clothing or armor. So..... you can wear whatever you *prefer* then alter its ratings to get the desired benefits and still look like you want.


fyi, fwiw, ymmv.

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