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Ice Sword Enchanting Help Request

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I'm making an enchanted sword, and I want it to behave similarly to Sunder and Keening, where once it's equipped, it starts dealing damage to the player. However, I'd like this to be Frost damage, and I can't have that as a constant effect on the blade, because I want to give the blade a Frost damage on strike effect.

Can someone please help me with a script that will inflict Frost damage when the sword is equipped and stop inflicting damage once the sword is unequipped.

There will be no Wraithguard analog, no gauntlet that can be worn to prevent the damage. I'd like the damage to be three points per second.

Thanks in advance.

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not sure this is the correct way, but it works


"zz_iceC" is a spell using the curse option, not sure what the damage interval is, set to 1 digit

begin zz_ice_curse

short OnPCEquip
short state

if ( menumode == 1 )

if ( state == 0 )
	if ( OnPCEquip == 1 )
		Player->AddSpell "zz_iceC"
		set state to 1

if ( state == 1 )
	if ( OnPCEquip == 0 )
		Player->RemoveSpell "zz_iceC"
		set state to 0

There will be no Wraithguard analog, no gauntlet that can be worn to prevent the damage.


Nord enters the chat xD

Edited by FIMzzZzz
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not sure this is the correct way, but it works


"zz_iceC" is a spell using the curse option, not sure what the damage interval is, set to 1 digit

begin zz_ice_curse

short OnPCEquip
short state

if ( menumode == 1 )

if ( state == 0 )
	if ( OnPCEquip == 1 )
		Player->AddSpell "zz_iceC"
		set state to 1

if ( state == 1 )
	if ( OnPCEquip == 0 )
		Player->RemoveSpell "zz_iceC"
		set state to 0

There will be no Wraithguard analog, no gauntlet that can be worn to prevent the damage.


Nord enters the chat xD



That's perfect! Thank you so much!

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