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I figured it was time to take a swing at this survival overhaul idea I've had for a while. I want to test in an environment that actually reflects any changes made, so naturally I'm going to shut down the loony damage scaling survival mode does. I've been reading and experimenting, everything's going good, but I've got this nagging question:

In Game Settings, there's two versions of the damage scale for survival mode:



but also




That T I can't figure out. PC is Player Character, and SV would of course be SurVival mode. But dat T tho. They both have the same values (.5 and 2.0 out/in). But in a quick test only the T version seems to have any effect. My test was a new game with the damage-out set to 10, so it would be obvious weather anything changed. When I finally got out of V111, I hauled ass to some bloat flies and started shooting with the 10mm. With PCSV set to 10, there was no change, but the next test with PCTSV set to 10, boy howdy, it worked. I was throwing 10mm death sentences out like candy.

The only thing I can think of, and this is a total ass-pull, is that T is for "tutorial", or "Training", maybe I'm under different combat rules until I finish the out of time quest.


Any web searches on the matter show people modding one, or the other. Weirder still, using the filter, I didn't see any other variable in Game Settings that used any naming convention like "PCTxx".


So before I blow a few days playing the entire first quest over and over doing a bunch of either-or tests, anyone out there have any solid info on this mysterious T settings vs their non-T brethren?

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Possibly, a leftover from Survival (no hardcore) https://www.creationkit.com/fallout4/index.php?title=GetDifficulty_-_Game . T for True?

Damn, good find. That makes a lot more sense than my theories (Training mode, Toggle to/from Survival mode).

And what I found today might back this up: I was wrong about there not being any other "T" items in Game Settings: Filtering for "TSV" gave me these:










All of them have a non-T version, and All of them share the same values, except for fDiffMultXP, the SV version is at 1.0000 (1x), and the TSV version is at the 2.000 (2x) value we all know from survival mode. So "SV" being an abandoned survival mode and "TSV" being the actual survival mode we've been playing would fit.


Thanks dude.

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