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Cleaning up messes? Looking for NPC AI mod.


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Well, I know this isn't really a big part of the game and I'm currently in my senior year of Computer Science at college, so without tinkering with it myself, I can imagine the heartache someone might face creating some kind of AI script that would cause them to "tidy up" at certain times of the day. (Actually, depending on how well the code was handled, this could range from simple to "NOPE!", but I digress.)


I was hoping someone might have handled such a mod before and maybe someone else could link me to it, because it just rubs me the wrong way seeing the same mess in the tavern that's been sitting there for the past in-game year. I'd handle it myself, but I'm the dragonborn, not the cleaning lady!



So yeah, can anyone point me in the right direction? I've tried googling it and searching the nexus, but I only know so many synonyms for "clean" that don't return a bunch of mods to clean up NPCs.

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So you want a mod that resets the cells so all the objects are not on the floor anymore? I think the vanilla game already has this covered.



New copies are generated for most items sitting out in the open (ingredients, books, clutter, etc.). If the previous copy is still in the game location, it is removed.
Edited by MostlyMuggie
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Oh can this be shortened to something more reasonable than 10 days? Something that simple I might be able to just do myself...unless it involved manually editing the timer on every single interior tavern, inn, house, etc. THEN that would be a pain in the ass...

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