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Railway system


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I hadn't really thought of that... Forgot how crappy the physics were! x'D (I usually see dead bodies flying when I quickload... They probably had a spasm and went flying straight into the sky... and I wouln'd wan't to be inside the train if that happened -_-").


I'm sorry buts its impossible for us to make a MOVING train, forget it.


However, it is possible to place a video in the windows (the movie been wasteland going past quickly), thus having the illusion that we are moving, this would last for about 2 mins, then the Player.Moveto kicks in.


That way we can do the interiors, yey :3

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yeah, moving train would be impossible, hey, whens the next FOSE coming out?


videos on the windows are fine too, anything to make it more real. oh yeah, one problem, how will we make the movie on the train's door? since it moves when you open it?

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I should just remind you that I can in fact make the scripting part of this mod, as for the movies they are beyond me.


But with that said, I should remind you that even though you want to go to a different place, the movie will always be the same otherwise we would have to make seperate movies for each one.


One more thing, the movie will be either day or night, not both, so if you travel during the night, it will be strange if its suddenly day in the train and night when you leave.

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For the movies it's just the trouble of googling for something that fits :D


@ twilightblade:

There is no need to make doors connected to the exterior cells to have opening/closing animations. There won't be moving animations...



The things we'll be needing are:


- Event scripts

- Train Interiors (maybe several compartiments?)

- Re-use, or if really needed, the creation of new textures.

- Videos to give the player the feeling that he really is inside a moving train

- Sounds! (Yes... More immersion? D: )



As for the stations... Surface platforms or underground ones? If they were underground we should only need the remodeling of some metro stations. Taking out all the rubble, adding NPCs, etc...

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