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Very simple request


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if you down load them and extract them to the correct place, give me a name and directory location, I can do the same.


you need to make each one unique , copies of the T-51 moved to a folder to work on and renamed to fit the models instructions to the textures.


  • red = RT-51b.nif
  • blue = BLT51b.nif

etc. Then load up GECK ,open each static so named you have placed into the mesh/ armor folder, the one s you just made.

edit each one to point to the dds files you downloaded, use the object manager to place them where ever you want into the game.


Boom ! new mod.



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if you down load them and extract them to the correct place, give me a name and directory location, I can do the same.


you need to make each one unique , copies of the T-51 moved to a folder to work on and renamed to fit the models instructions to the textures.


  • red = RT-51b.nif
  • blue = BLT51b.nif

etc. Then load up GECK ,open each static so named you have placed into the mesh/ armor folder, the one s you just made.

edit each one to point to the dds files you downloaded, use the object manager to place them where ever you want into the game.


Boom ! new mod.




I think you lost me after the first sentence.

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let ask the author If I can make a mod using his or her assets and I will make it for you, is that ok?


He's said people can. It's a modder's resource. As long as you credit him it's fine.


well, you see, here inlays the problems. Here on the nexus, if there is a two party mod as this one is, I need to get-permissions from all involved to touch anything.


The above link is a borrowed asset user authors data, not the original author, Both of these people have their assets clearly marked as ask for direct permission on their perspective mod pages. there is a small grey looking icon there if your not failure with how the page orientation is set up, these are quick links to show things the page has, read me, actions logs, perms, required. etc.


if the author has more than one site or more data then the site supports, then more icons become available to that authors, mirrored web sites for data, videos, etc.


I checked the perms on both, both are set to contact and ask 1rst. Sorry, these are the rules, and any breakage of the line for assets can be a undesirable out come for any treks made here in position to that rules base.


modders resources that are privileged and set in a rule book here can't be broken.

Do you understand? probably take me all but ten minutes to make such a mod, it can cost a life time on non access to this site if I violate some rule. and this, even if so simple, I won't do it with out full authority.


that's how it is. if no response comes? well you will have to make them on your own.



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No the person I linked to is the original creator of that particular mod, but he used another resource to help make it. And Shushoni, the above linked person, isn't really relevant as he hasn't been active for two years. And Statichairguy doesn't seem to have been active either.

Negative, Even if 200 years goes by us all, We, you or I can not Violate the laws as written.


Please don't misunderstand me. you thinking here is wrong and NO, I can not arbitrarily just use that persons data with out permissions because that page has them set to ask first.


in the game, in a mod , there were these words spoken. ( Kiddo, there are guns that fire bullets a plenty, once dispense? there ain't no more so if that battle does not take down that enemy? you better run really fast., once the bullet leaves the barrel , its' gone."


so that data written in the pages front intermission thing is there to stay unless an override statesmen By said (authors) is dispatched for all to use Or directly to me so I can protect what i do and you, we can not use his stuff in this manner.


I have no problem pointing out the rules as messy as I can because......again, please don't take this the wrong way.. " you do not comprehend the rules here."


the TOS is very plain, so are all those that have been banned for the very thing you want to do. sorry. LOL ah no, I won't.


If authorization comes forth, then things happen. I respect the rules of law and copy rights, I had to learn them the hard way. Don't plan on learning any new short cuts Either.



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I am only here to help because some people are too excited for all the cool toys and forget some things are real, and there. I don't want to see people get into trouble. My offer is legit in the way it is meant to be. I am not here to spy on any one or rat them out.


it is (GAWD) common sense to check the pages. I for one would not want to be in their place, I have been an executioner once, I want no more to do with that type of thing. I want to see smiles, happy people having lots of cool fun.


things here have changed, hopefully, when all the dust settles, we may have a better place. I have a lot to share, but am afraid to upload a lot of stuff. I made really nice mods too. some of them are in my screen shots. Of them only five have others work, the rest? are all my own work.



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