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crash on opening saved game


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It looks like you have a corrupted save except that you

mention that all of your saves from level 20 crash the game.

Did these saves work previously ? How many are there ?

You changed nothing between the first level 20 save and the most recent ?

Do your level 19(or earlier) saves still work ? Did you add/remove anything between 19 & 20 ?


Your response to bben's question was no new mods when he asked if you removed any.

I am sorry to seem to nit pick, but there is a difference.


It may easiest to just roll back to level 19, or whatever is available, and move on from there.


Are you using auto save ? If so don't. It is known for causing corrupted saves.

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All saves at level 19 are fine. I have saved before leveling up and emediatly after leveling to 20, using both quick save and normal saves. The ones at level 19 work even for same number of save times and game time. The ones after I level up to 20 do not.
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This is a new one on me.


Try this, Windom Earle_s Oblivion Crash Prevention System




It's being updated often so if it doesn't fix all of your crashes check back in a few days.


Note, it is not a mod and doesn't install like a mod, so be sure to read the instructions.

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When you level up from 19 to 20 what do you do ? Does the game crash right away

or do you go to another location and then crash ? Can you play the game after leveling up

and travel anywhere and do anything and save at any location and still not be able to relaod?

(which would explain more than one save not working).


If you crash right away, or only when trying to relaod, then I have no idea.

If you crash at another location then it could relate to a mod that was installed a while

back that does something in that location, and you may not have visited that location

if you did not play test the mod after installing. If you crash after leaving the area you

level up in then try disabling any mod that may do something in that area.

Are you using any mods that alter the leveling system ?


Another thought - level up in a different location than the current one and see what happens.

If you don't crash then the problem would likely be in the current level up area.

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