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Achievements: Demon Doors?


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While I love mods like 'Achieve That' with the added bonuses for completing certain achievements, I kinda didn't like how all of the sudden you gain hidden knowledge (you have to go to the Menu to see what you just unlocked).


What I really would like to see are Demon Doors or something more lore friendly along those lines, which grant you power/items after you gain access to it. I loved the Demon Doors in Fable, who talked in riddles and gave you something to do while exploring.


For Example:

Travel to the Dragonslayer Demon Door, which will only open after kiling x amount of dragons. Opens a treasure room with a few dragon bones and chests and a Health tome which permanently increases health by 25.

Travel to the Demon Door of the Poor, which only opens if you have nothing equipped (Although you have to figure that out yourself, as the Door will speak in riddles ;P). Gives you an unique set of ragged cloths which count as leather armor and a few lockpicks.

Travel to the Door of Broken Hearts, which will only open if you divorced at least 3 times. Opens a room with a lot of human hearts and some kind of 'Dark' wedding ring.


Well, the possibilities are endless. :wink:


I'm not a modder, so I thought I just throw this idea here. Perhaps the doors of the Dark Brotherhood can be used as Demon doors?


Would love to hear if you like this idea or have more suggestions :smile:

Edited by kluns
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