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Portent DLC: changing the start date


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For Portent Progeny (my mistake), is there any way to adjust which date or month the first DLC mission will appear?


I know for Slingshot the date settings are found in the DefaultGameData.ini file (here):



But I do not see similar settings for Portent. Are there similar settings in any other INI files or perhaps the Portant timings are within one of the UPK files?


I'm playing my games on harder difficulty so wanted to push back the start of Portent a few months.

Edited by grenademagnet
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It looks like the other two Progeny missions are set up on different triggers.


In XGFundingCouncil.ChooseMissionOrRequest :

    if(m_iFCMissionsThisMonth > 0)
        return false;
    // End:0x48
    if((AI().GetMonth() == 1) && IsProgenyActive())
        return true;
    // End:0x66
    if((IsProgenyActive()) && IsHQAssaultCompleted())
        return true;

So Portent is set up to be the first Council mission in month 1 (April). It will always be in the first slot in the first half of the month.


The Furies mission looks to be the first Council mission possible following the HQ Assault mission. If there was already a council mission (in the first slot) before the HQ Assault mission, then Furies will show up in the first slot of the subsequent month. Otherwise it will be the next Council mission following.


The actual progeny mission selection is in XGFundingCouncil.DetermineNewFCMission:

            // End:0xF7
            if(((m_eNextProgenyMission == 25) && AI().GetMonth() > 0) || IsHQAssaultCompleted())
                eMission = m_eNextProgenyMission;
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I had Deluge (the 1st 2nd Progeny mission) in June, after HQ assault, because of Slingshot, which is counted as FCM too.


Edit: Nevermind me, totally overlooked the 1st Progeny mission.

Edited by Drakous79
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