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Crafting Mod


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Hello there TES Community,


Ive always been a Fan of crafting things since im pretty much into "crafting things" in RL too :)


I saw those Silver Ores in the Mines and thought it wouldnt be all that hard photosopping to make that silver look like rust, to get Iron Ore.


Before I start telling how I think a crafting Mod should look like, I want to ask if someone knows of a crafting mod wich is nicely implented in Oblivions World.


In my eyes you recognize a really good implented mod, when someone who never played Oblivion, plays the Game with that mod and he doesnt notice anthing, its perfectly fitting.


This means:

-No stupid talking with NPCs with really shitty sounds.

-No Strange Questline

-No Features wich make the game sooo easy


Once in Morrowind there was a crafting mod. It was an interresting Idea, but implented really bad.

It was about public forges, where people go to forge their stuff.

You could buy all the materials right from the shop owner. For some coins (reeeally cheap) you could buy some Metals, and then just hammer 'em up and ou got a daedric Weapon, make 60 Of them and get (damn) rich in 5 min. I took not even one klick to froge the weapon, and it was not Skill involving in any way, a lvl1 char could have done the same as a lvl60 char.

That mod sucked, to say it in that way. Of course people liked it, but in my pov these people have nor any taste for good mods, nor any taste for good gameplay and atmosphere.


So does anyone know a mod wich fits in there? Or is Oblivion still "missing" it?


I hope my broken English didnt kill you...




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