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Ack, Not again!


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If you answer 'yes' to all the error messages, what happens?


By 'this door' I assume you mean the harbour door of the census and excise building? Go out of the back door and see from outside whether there is a ship docked there. If not, the chances are the files have not been correctly transferred. The same is probably true if you cannot get out of the C&E office at all.


Download the mod into a temporary file and see what it contains. Make sure the files are in the right places by transfering them manually.


If that doesn't work look at the mods you are running. Several popular mods conflict with the Firemoth plug in. Turn everything but MW and expansions off and try again.

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Yellow triangles mean that the files have not downloaded into the right places. It often happens and there are other threads explaining how to resolve the problems. I recommend in future that you download all mod files first to a temporary destination. You can move the textures to the right textures file, the icons to the correct icons file etc. Then you should find the mod will run properly. Remember some mods do not supply all the necessary bits and pieces. These will tell you which other mods you have to have, correctly downloaded, to get them to work.


For your current problems go into Bethesda Softworks/Morrowind/Data Files (on your C drive or equivalent). You will find here files labelled Textures, Icons, Meshes etc. These are the files into which all the mod infomation has to be placed but ONLY textures in textures etc. If you find a folder with a name like Bethesda Softworks, Morrowind or Data Files as a sub file at this level then its contents will not be in the correct place for the mod to run. Open the file up and transfer them yourself by cut (or copy) and paste.


If any of this is unclear PM me and I'll walk you through it.

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Now what about this Gargoyle Race that has no wings... at all... and come out as yellow warning signs after you say "Yes" to both errors? (btw... I've checked the meshes folder... this isn't any "Wings" .NIF file... there's are body part photos that work, but there aren't any "wings.nif" file...)
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