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CTD while loading a save game.


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MY game CTD when i Load a save game. My load order passes tess5edit. Ran boss. used boss order still CTD while loading a save tried my own and this is it...

Unofficial Skyrim Patch.esp=1
Unofficial Hearthfire Patch.esp=1
Unofficial Dawnguard Patch.esp=1
YChildren of the Sky.esm=1
YChildren of the Sky.esp=1
Dark Mage.esp=1
Convenient Horses.esp=1
dD - Enhanced Blood Main.esp=1
Naruto - Overhaul.esp=1
Blaze Of Eventide.esp=1
Companion People.esp=1
dD - Realistic Ragdoll Force - Realistic.esp=1
CharGen Morphs.esp=1
ADDC Pack.esp=1
Improved Smithing 1.5.esp=1
College People.esp=1
Housecarl People.esp=1
Brotherhood People.esp=1
The Thievesguild People.esp=1
Bashed Patch, 0.esp=1
Edit the list to show what you think the order should be please!
Or should i just go back mod Organizer it wok throw that with my own load order.
Edited by chainedmail
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I'm having the same issue and it doesn't seem to have anything to do with the load order, well nothing that I've noticed. I've been through my load order many times and used boss countless times so I'm fairly certain it has nothing to do with that. Did you install any mods before it happened because my first guess would be a mod changed something it wasn't meant to. That said I'm new to modding so I could be wrong.
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You could very well have a conflict with a few mods that don't agree with one another. My suggestion would be to check off all your mods and test them one at a time, but keep the ones your checking on. That's how I find out which mods are problematic. In fact, i'm pretty sure that's the only way to do it.

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That is a pain in the @$$, but i guess i have to do it again. Its not the first time its happened. Its probably the the similar race mods. the weird thing is it worked when i had 60% of the mods installed in NMM and the other 40% mod was installed on mod Organizer. I am tring to get that set back up again. I had to back-up my system because of a virus and do not remember how i had it set up.

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The only thing I can think of would be to reinstall the game, but only do that as a last resort if no one else gives you a working suggestion. I will warn you in advance that that method doesn't always work, I know from personal experience.
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  • 2 weeks later...

Don't have things half with MO half with NMM, it's a nightmare because it's difficult to trace whether your problem is some old mess you've made by having files overwrite each other in the past with NMM, or something you're doing now by having things the wrong order (or with the wrong mods) in MO.


Honestly, uninstall, reinstall, start off with MO (once you get used to MO, NMM feels like the stone age), reinstall mods one by one (I'd recommend religiously following S.T.E.P. when you reinstall - it results in a nice enhanced vanilla game, and the "Core" setup is a good basis to work from to add your own mods and tweak things to your heart's content). Almost the only mod that can't be installed from MO is SKSE, everything else pretty much can be done from within MO (including running BOSS, Wrye, FNIS, etc.) With MO you can have profiles, so you can get up a stable gamey game Profile and use other Profiles for messing about with other things. (So, as a basis, have a Vanilla Profile, a Vanilla with DLC Profile, STEP Core Profile, STEP Enhanced Profile. These should be enough to get started with and ensure you will be able to trace problems easily. Works like a charm. There are still occasional baffling crashes when you're tweaking things, but you invariably find that it's something you previously changed that you overlooked (like an .esp you manually un-ticked but forgotten you had done so).


The great thing about using MO is that when something goes wrong you KNOW it's something that's fixable and recoverable, because the basic game data is unchanged (unlike the horrific mess that can result with manual installation or NMM), so you know it's just an incompatibility somewhere between the load order of files in the MO/mod folder as they are loading into the game (either that, or there's a genuine incompatibility between the mods, which can be tested). Plus you can always instantly return to your vanilla profile to check a mod by itself.


PLUS, even if you completely mess up one profile, it's just a click of a button to return to being able to play the game normally in another profile.


Good practice with MO is also to have a few vanilla savegames that you can download from Nexus (where people have played the game purely vanilla up to a certain level). Very useful for checking and re-checking things and not having to start right from the intro, etc. One of the biggest problems with Beth games for me has always been that they are so tweakable you keep going back to the beginning, getting bored with that starting content and ditching the game unfinished. With save game profiles, you can start much later int he game and skip the content you already know till you're sick of it (e.g. someone made a vanilla savegame for just after High Hrothgar, very handy).

Edited by gurugeorge
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A crash on startup is usually a missing master. Either the save file is dependent on a master file that has been removed, or a plugin is dependent on a master file that has been removed. Have you uninstalled anything recently? Check the bashed patch to make sure you didn't remove anything that was used to generate it. You can check the save file dependencies with Wrye Bash. If it's not that, have you tried an earlier save for the same character? I've had some saves that won't load for unknown reasons, but then earlier saves do.

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