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Export/import settlements between different playthroughs


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Definitely both are great mods.

For my need, Transfer Settlements mod is the one that will keep a place in my setup.

My days as a builder in this game has gone, for that reason I've openned this topic. But if it wasn't like this, my choice would be Clipboard mod.

Clipboard offers you a lot of more options, it is more like a building tool with the plus to import/export your settlement designs.

I really like how you can import/export just an especific area. You can just save a whole building (that buidling where you put a lot of time decorating and making it exactly as you want) and it lets you Imp/exp it to other places of the same settlement, same playthrough or to others, and do it repeatly many times as you want everywhere. You can easy to build a big city everywhere with this mod.


By the way, I found some of issues with TS mod:

-Doing exp/imp of Sancturay Hills or RedRocket could mess with the other place mentioned.

-If you start an importation in 3rd person camera, you could get a glitch idle/animation of your character always touching the floor when does any interaction or just changeing camera 1st-3rd person. That will remain permanently.

-Sometimes the wires connection are messed up and you have to manually re-establish all them.


No issues found for Clipboard at moment, I've spent less time with it (as said TS fits my need), but be carefull, if you dont use correctly Clipboard mod you can break few things and regret for it. I can say, it is not a tool to scratch/clean a place.

So, can any of you confirm if it is possible to install TS, then, import/export few blueprints and then unistall it without break your current savegame?

Edited by Fallout4Shepard
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A feature I feel is missing from these kind of mods, is an actual resource cost. Building whole settlements free of any cost is not really attractive.
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