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Wired Jukebox


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Hello! I think it would be just swell if someone were able to make a jukebox that must be wired. I use Singing Settler mod, and I would like the jukebox so I can have it turn on and off using the singing settler switch box. Without this option, people dance to no music because of my idle markers. Thanks a ton!

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In fact, I have a couple jukebox models coming out in my next mod, but they are not wired. The script was complex enough without adding that function. However, like with my previous jukebox mod, the larger of my 2 new models spawns pre-arranged dance markers while songs are playing AND can be activated by your settlers. I'm wrapping up the last major part of the mod right now and I'd estimate that it will be ready for release by the end of the year, just not sure where I'll end up putting it.




The larger one will play 200 songs. The smaller plays 100. Not sure if I'll end up leaving my selections in the mod. Not looking for any copyright hassles. However, it's simple enough to add your own music. The only difficulty would be in creating custom menu cards that would have the song names and artists for your own music. That's something I might offer as a service for people who want their own custom cards, but don't have the tools or ability to make their own. Also, I have in place the ability to add extra speakers to place around your space, with volume controls, so you can really crank out the tunes. The smaller one doesn't spawn dance markers though, as it's meant to be placed with my diner build set.

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Those are some really neat ideas! I do use a mod that replaces the classical with DCR music. I know next to nothing about modding Bethesda's games. Is it difficult to switch an item from wireless to wired? There is a mod that is supposed to have a wired jukebox (https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/20301) but when I try to use it, I get a Buffout crash message relating to textures if I move a few feet away from the jukebox it adds.

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That all sounds awesome!

Since you are a ways from finalizing things, coukld you make it compatible with Bubba Shot the Jukebox. Again.?

I just installed and tested it, and must impart, it can be very satisfying. :devil:


And just to contribute something to your efforts,

mp3s have standard headers containing the information you were looking for, artist/title/track that can be read...


Not sure if its the right thing but if you haven't discovered it:

SUP seems to offer quite a few functions that go beyond what could be done a few weeks/months ago. :thumbsup:

Says something about having an MP3 player... Have a look, :woot:

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That all sounds awesome!

Since you are a ways from finalizing things, coukld you make it compatible with Bubba Shot the Jukebox. Again.?

I just installed and tested it, and must impart, it can be very satisfying. :devil:


And just to contribute something to your efforts,

mp3s have standard headers containing the information you were looking for, artist/title/track that can be read...


Not sure if its the right thing but if you haven't discovered it:

SUP seems to offer quite a few functions that go beyond what could be done a few weeks/months ago. :thumbsup:

Says something about having an MP3 player... Have a look, :woot:


Ha! I spend all that time developing the thing and you want me to let you blow it up? My first reaction is "Hell no!", but it is kind of a neat idea. It wouldn't have to be compatible with the other mod, it's just something I could build into it on it's own. But please don't hold your breath. If I start working on something like that, the old hamster wheel will start turning and then I'll start re-designing everything to blow up.


As for the mp3 thing, at this point the menu cards are dependent on a texture for all that info. Short of writing a script for Photoshop that could import the metadata from each song and put it into each corresponding text slot, there's not much I could do with it. I'm barely a functional Papyrus scripter and there would be a whole new thing to learn in order to make something for Photoshop. And it would still fall to me in most cases to make the new texture file, regardless. However, the purpose of the menu cards is so that players can have a reference in order to know what combinations of button pushes play which songs, and at this point they're still rather difficult to read. I don't actually play the game enough to know if there's a way to zoom the camera for situations where you need to get a close-up look at something, other than enabling free cam, which would kind of break the immersion. They're much easier to see in the smaller jukebox but if I find a good solution for the bigger one, I might end up revamping the smaller one as well. I will not be implementing a pop-up menu, however. My main goal is to make these types of things as close to realistic as I can, and I've yet to find anything IRL that throws up a hovering menu in my face out of thin air. Potentially, I could implement something that could make them configurable with a holotape or by using MCM. and would work like a digital display rather than little paper cards. That way I wouldn't need to use a texture for that info. I'd eliminate the full 200 song menu and replace it with something that could be scrolled or flipped through, like with the diner jukebox. That way I could make the text larger and easier to read.

Edited by ChuckYufarley
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Those are some really neat ideas! I do use a mod that replaces the classical with DCR music. I know next to nothing about modding Bethesda's games. Is it difficult to switch an item from wireless to wired? There is a mod that is supposed to have a wired jukebox (https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/20301) but when I try to use it, I get a Buffout crash message relating to textures if I move a few feet away from the jukebox it adds.


I will include all the information on how to add your own music with the mod. Basically it involves converting your sound files to .WAV format, renaming them to match the file names of the songs included with the mod, and dropping them into the correct folders.


Converting a mesh to accept a snapped power line is pretty basic stuff, and adding a power on/off function to the script is feasible, but neither is something I plan on adding. To soothe the minds of anyone wondering how it seems to magically "work", I added a dummy fusion core slot to the back of the mesh to make it look like that's what's powering it.

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Ha! I spend all that time developing the thing and you want me to let you blow it up? My first reaction is "Hell no!", but it is kind of a neat idea. It wouldn't have to be compatible with the other mod, it's just something I could build into it on it's own. But please don't hold your breath. If I start working on something like that, the old hamster wheel will start turning and then I'll start re-designing everything to blow up.


As for the mp3 thing, at this point the menu cards are dependent on a texture for all that info. Short of writing a script for Photoshop that could import the metadata from each song and put it into each corresponding text slot, there's not much I could do with it. I'm barely a functional Papyrus scripter and there would be a whole new thing to learn in order to make something for Photoshop. And it would still fall to me in most cases to make the new texture file, regardless. However, the purpose of the menu cards is so that players can have a reference in order to know what combinations of button pushes play which songs, and at this point they're still rather difficult to read. I don't actually play the game enough to know if there's a way to zoom the camera for situations where you need to get a close-up look at something, other than enabling free cam, which would kind of break the immersion. They're much easier to see in the smaller jukebox but if I find a good solution for the bigger one, I might end up revamping the smaller one as well. I will not be implementing a pop-up menu, however. My main goal is to make these types of things as close to realistic as I can, and I've yet to find anything IRL that throws up a hovering menu in my face out of thin air. Potentially, I could implement something that could make them configurable with a holotape or by using MCM. and would work like a digital display rather than little paper cards. That way I wouldn't need to use a texture for that info. I'd eliminate the full 200 song menu and replace it with something that could be scrolled or flipped through, like with the diner jukebox. That way I could make the text larger and easier to read.


The destruction is only like 2 settings in FO4edit, seriously easy, not even any scripts. :whistling:

The mod works by augmenting base models in place, so it's pretty fool-proof.

I could do it myself, but thought you might like to push it as a bug feature for the casual user.


In my head-canon the [player's] pip-boy is the interface for anything electronic.

Now that you mention it, would be cool if pip-boy captured pop-up menus so you had to open it up [forced]? to use them/it that way.


To look close at something: I immediately think of the zooming into a terminal screen induction/transition.


Anyway, yeah, an MCM option to choose how/where (it gets/you select) songs. SUP features (mp3) could really simplify a lot for all that is currently involved. :cool:

nudge, nudge. :wink:


Looking forward to seeing what you come up with! :dance:

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Yeah, I've made a couple exploding vehicles for other projects, and of course I went all-in and made wrecked versions with all the doors and seats and anything else I figured would get blown off in an explosion, get blown off in the explosion. Imagine 100 45s getting thrown in every direction. Now that I said that, I kind of want to do in now.


The zoom that happens with the terminals is an animated camera and it gets locked into place when the player enters the furniture. I tried several different configurations for the jukebox player animation, and none would allow for the zoom as well as give you the ability to look down and select the buttons. I haven't used any F4SE functions in any scripts as of yet and I believe it does give you the ability to register button strokes, but I don't know how far that extends. I first played the game on XBONE and got so used to using a controller that when I got the PC version and started modding, I stuck with it. So even though I've used a keyboard and mouse for other games, I'm totally lost when it comes to using them for FO4. It would really streamline the jukebox interaction to just be able to enter your selections on a keyboard, though. That way it wouldn't matter if the camera is locked into a zoomed view.


My first jukebox mod only allowed for 23 songs, so when I started building the new one, I was determined to expand that. 200 songs is a huge jump, but it does create quite a hurdle for people who'd want to add their own music. I think there's plenty of people who would enjoy that kind of thing, but plenty more who'd have a hard time with it. It's a tall order either way. That's why I'm considering offering the customization thing as a service. Not sure how I'd implement that, but since I'd be hosting the mod elsewhere, I think there would be more flexibility. I wouldn't be providing the music, just helping to get things set up as much as I could.


Edit> I just had a look at the key stroke functions for F4SE and it seems pretty simple, so that's something I'm going to have to look into implementing.

Edited by ChuckYufarley
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Seemed relevant to your method somehow- this just went up today: Small Letters Font

It seems like punching buttons would have a 1st person anim floating around somewhere... Just sayin'... :huh:

Like a finger to the dot in the center of the screen might be pecky-feeling in a HUD, but it's no worse than other mechanics in the game.

(Ah yes, spin the mobile is close)... :pirate:


Hooking the mp3 player functions through SUP from F4se may allow for:

  • Terminal/Pip listing of songs/selection/options from a directory
  • Direct Streaming (through the system- outside of the game)
  • Rename Anything end-user track name editing
  • And a whole lot more... j/k :cool:
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