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How would I turn my Character into a Race, where I could use it with the Xeo Mod? other wise that mod changes everything I rather do like.




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You'll need to expand a bit more on what you want.

To change your characters race you need to use the 'showracemenu' command in the console. Change it to what you want, open the console again, save your game, then load your game. If you don't do those last three steps your attributes and skills will be reset.

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try to get back my Nordic master piece of character before I went and got the Xeo4 mod. The mod also call for you change the Oblivion INI "bFaceGenTexturing=1"

change to "bFaceGenTexturing=0" even if could keep it. It would come out the same regardless. Trying to keep that hard weathered look, but with xeo4 mod it soften all characters. Really the mod such for Nordic male PC and NPC.. but all the other race ahhh wonderful....

My Character Skolhamarr


My character with Xeoa4 mod


I hope that help, and maybe you can help me with this



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Maybe I should just try to find the right texture file that more less control the nord body and face. I have a few texture file that would look more nordic than what is there now. I have found the face texture file for nords...
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