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Help googly eyes everywhere


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Recommended troubleshooting procedure - first we need to get you back to a working eye. To do this, remove ALL mods that affect eyes. all eye mods, all custom race mods and hair mods (For some reason some of the hair mods affect eyes). _Ren_BeautyPack_full.esp also changes eyes. Any mod that makes cosmetic changes to either character or NPCs can affect eyes (Beautiful people, Better Redguard v2.esp, Tabaxi_Race_BAB.esp) I don't know what all of those merged plug ins, some of them may hide an eye mod.


When you get back to normal eyes, then start adding your mods back in, one at a time and testing. Eventually you will find which one is causing the problem. Then experiment with load order to see if you can use it with the rest - please remember, not all mods are compatible with all other mods.

Thanks for all your help. I ran the first procedure described by bben46. and deleated all files within Rens beauty pack and purged the .esp forever.


The Issue was Rens Beauty pack working against Heart of the Dead (of all things :confused: ) Dealeating those two files got it working again!


Thanks again for your help, I couldn't have done it without you-


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