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More than one "Volunteer"?


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I haven't really done too much more than dink around with the exe, as a good deal of the UPK surgery people perform around here is a little above my head, but something I've been wanting to try out was simply having more than one person capable of using Rift, with the caveat of not attaching the ability straight to every soldier; I want to keep it exclusive to Psi-capable troops.


I noticed in the EW exe, as before in EU, there's a string that denotes how much XP is necessary to get psi troops promoted to the next rank; the one for "Volunteer" is some arbitrarily high number with a bunch of zeroes.


Presumably, if you were to play the game long enough, and use Mindfray tens of thousands of times, you'd get the psi user promoted up.


So what I'm curious about is if I set this string's value lower, will it actually result in a psi user being promoted? And if so, will this cause that first trooper to be labeled as the story-centric Volunteer that dies at the end? Or is that factor flagged only when you send someone into the Gollup Chamber?


Thanks in advance for the consideration taken to reading, and I appreciate any and all answers.

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You can edit DefaultGameCore.ini (DGC) instead of XComEW.exe


Please check Guide to installing mods - Enabling INI loading (details) and XCOMModHelper (tool that enables it with ease).


If is the value lowered, a soldier is silently promoted and gets the rift. The ability can be used in a mission, but isn't listed in PSI tree as the UI has only 3 rows. On top of it, I got "New promotions available in the armory" message I couldn't stop.


The volunteer has to be wearing PSI armor to activate the chamber and the choice is up to you.


Also rift can be acquired by changing PsiPerkTree in DGC.ini

// substitute existing perk with ePerk_Rift

PsiPerkTree=(Rank1=ePerk_MindFray, Rank2a=ePerk_PsiPanic, Rank2b=ePerk_PsiInspiration, Rank3a=ePerk_MindControl, Rank3b=ePerk_TelekineticField)
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For me it's more comfortable to use Notepad++ and edit DGC.ini. Also ini backups are smaller. Another factor is mod's distribution, because ini files aren't copyrighted.


It's always good to know, there are more ways to do something. If one way fails, there is another.

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I actually did this already with an edit to the .ini file. Or actually I think it was the .exe file.


Either way, EW has the class perks (including psi and mech) listed down at the bottom, simply replace one of the psi options with ePerk_Rift. I got rid of Psi Panic, and switched it for the telepathic shield, so that the final tier is a choice between rift and mind control.

Because there seriously was no reason not to choose mind control before.

I have to say though, as cool as Rift is, it feels way, way too OP. I needed to up my game difficulty to impossible just to feel challenged after I gave it to my psitroopers. Just a word of caution anyways.

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Then make your psi XP scale much greater, so it takes 3x the levels to level up.

You have a good point.


Considering the OPness of Mind Control and Rift, it really ought to take more than three missions worth of practice to master them. Is Psi-Exp in the .ini file though, I don't recall seeing it?


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Considering the OPness of Mind Control and Rift, it really ought to take more than three missions worth of practice to master them. Is Psi-Exp in the .ini file though, I don't recall seeing it?

There it is, just above normal XP for soldiers:

; Psi XP Levels (NONE, 1, 2, 3, Volunteer)







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