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Fo4Edit Newbie with 2 questions

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As title has addressed...

Recently I'm making a patch for Eden from Depravity mod to have the appereance and few features from Vex companion mod useing FO4Edit only (I haven't knowleadge for to use other modding tools yet, and I dont have Creation Kit).

At moment, I got everything working correctly I could change Eden's appearence, her inventory, and some features as perks and so on. Tested in game and "it just works" as intended, except 2 points:


1- Skin color/tone of Eden is bronze, and it looks too dark with Vex body textures. I can't find where are the parameter/value for to change the skin color as they are classified in game's customization. I've tried changing values in QNAM - Texture Lighting and also in Face Tinting Layers (1168 Skin tints - skin tone) but I can't see any difference in game.

If someone can point me or teach me the right way for that? it would be very helpfull.


2- My patch uses Depravity mod and Vex companion mod as masters of course, however, as my intention is to make Eden to be Vex, I would like to disable Vex NPC from the original mod in game and... i really don't know how to do that or even if it is possible to do it without take the stuff from Vex original mod for to add it to my patch and then disable the ESP from Vex original mod. That would be same than to delete Vex mod as master. Any hint with that point?


In advance, thanks for to share your wisdom

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What you are asking is very situational, meaning: it depends on a few unknowns ATM.

It's not all that complicated- once you get it.


For the Texture/Tint:

Make sure you are not experiencing the brown face glitch, (easy to detect because they will have no eyebrows).

It could be a conflict because of multiple references to the same NPC with different/too many (or missing) face textures.


1) You might do well to check the RGB values of QNAM and Face Tint as that is key to their appearance.


2) Remove those entries altogether, and use LooksMenu to (re)set it on the character in game.

(Save a preset for futureproofing).


Or it might clear up once you decouple and deactivate Vex Plugin.


As a matter of course on patch:

You probably should have copied the whole NPC's (Eden's) entry into a new esp.

Compare records with Vex plugin (control clicking each, right-click selection, compare records) and manually copied settings from Vex replacing values in new esp.

That would have bypassed the two masters problem.



In order to de-couple from the "Vex" master, you need to find all records referencing that plugin id (the first two of the eight hex numbers for the esp).

This number will change in FO4edit based on what/how many plugins you have loaded at the time.



Depravity 01

Vex 02 <- that's the plugin's id (for our purposes)

Patch 03


Make sure (in this case) no records in the patch are referencing 02.


Right-Click the patch and Clean Masters (remove unused masters).

If it doesn't work you missed something.

(In effect you are making sure the patch is not asking the vex plugin for anything anymore).


As an aside:

Make sure you are using Eden's entire Quest/Dialogue and not Vex's. (they are mutually exclusive).



In the end, for simplicity (for the game), once all changes are confirmed to be correct:

Look into merging the patch overwriting directly into Depravity making the change permanent, (but also not redundant).


Hopefully that will get you far, if you have more trouble, come back, here.

There are many very helpful people here, and with the above you will have zeroed in on any issues that much further.


Good Luck, you got pretty far on on your own already (for a newbie)! :cool:

Hopefully that will get you far, if you have more trouble, come back, here.

There are many very helpful people, and with the above you will have zeroed in on any issues that much further.

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Thank you for your answer Blinxys.


About my first question:

Brown face issue isn't the problem here. Eden looks fine with Vex appereance, just too dark-red color skin. When i open looksmenu in game she always has established skin tone in cooper color. I want to get it in pale or pinky colors (I'm not sure if in english they are called as it, but the point is to get her skin lighter than it is now). Changing QNAM RGB values or Face Tinting Layers RGB values seems not to have any effect ingame.

I was wondering if there is a parameter where I can to chose the exact skin color being it from the same colors list available ingame useing looksmenu. For example pale skin color.


About my second question:

Yes, I've copied the whole NPC's (Eden's) entry into a new esp, and manually copied settings from Vex replacing values in new esp.

I know I can take all the stuff I need from Vex original mod, include it in my patch and delete the Vex mod ESP from master's list of my patch. But with this patch i'm also trying to learn how to do patches/mods that I can share with the world without steal the work of others. So, if someday I decide to publish this patch, anyone that wants to use it also will have to download the original Vex mod. My goal is to make Eden to have the appereance, the outfit, the combat style, and s.p.e.c.i.a.l stats from Vex, and keep everything else as it is in Depravity mod to work correctly (like dialogues, packages, keywords...), and additionally to get the original Vex NPC disabled through my patch without console commands ingame. It is ugly to have to open console, click on Vex original NPC and type disable. I got everything as I want to be except for the original Vex NPC(and skin color). She still is on the Sanctuary bridge.


I've searched around and I've found a similar patch that changes Eden by Skadi companion, and in this patch skadi original NPC is disabled. I've downladed it and checked with FO4edit, but due my lack of knowledge I cannot find the way how this patch gets Skadi disabled (maybe I've seen it but I can't identify it as the parameter/value I'm looking for).


<English is not my native language, sorry if any grammar or expression mistake>

Edited by Fallout4Shepard
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Try removing the QNAM and Face Tinting Layers entry altogether. (tablae rosa/blank slate style) and see what happens. :pirate:

(Always make backups).


Side Note: removing records has a strange effect sometimes they carry forward/Fill in from previous records, sometimes they don't show up.

I never really know what's gonna happen (but that don't prevent me from tinkering). :laugh:


Also: Be advised, Depravity is a wooly beast of a mod, their ways are not our ways- per se. It is amazingly complex and uses many very advanced and refined, undocumented methods. You would have done yourself a favor starting with something less complex. :ermm:


That said and not addressing the IP issues here.

For Eden to Skadi, it seems they simply copied both NPCs into new mod, disabled the one after copying all it's traits, etc to the other.

(Or just flipped the IDs).

In FO4edit my guess is that deleting the NPC record is ok, but you should quick clean it to undelete and mark as disabled (making it done properly).

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That's really great.


Found the way to solve my second question. Now the original Vex NPC is disabled with the patch, and only Eden is Vex :D


And following your suggestion deleteing QNAM values and Face tinting Layers made the skin of "Eden Vex" be in pale color, confimed checking it with looksmenu ingame.

I have to say, also I've changed her head skin texture from female-midage to female-young. Not sure if it also helped, I'll do a testing later.


Successfully my first patch, I know was a simple task, but still, it is my first experience, maybe I'll upload it.

Sincerely, a lot of thanks for your help Blinxys.

Now I have to learn how to develop another pair of ideas I have, but I think I've enjoyed more to make that simple patch than to play the game XD.

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