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Crashes on startup.


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Just load only falloutNV.esm , don't uninstall the game, you need to find out if any data is at play, others here need to know too. we have the list of mods and your post so we all can benefit from the search. all we know is, you may simple have a malformed *.nif file or texture corrupted, the game, when you launch it, is super supper fast, it scans and steam scan data at light speed .mind boggling fast ,it only takes 1 single file to kill it.


I run brazil only, I made fake, blank files of all the mods used here so I have very little game bloat or data to deal with, no possible corruptions, but can , on the fly install any single mod to inspect by just the load orders posted...+ that 1 mod to instal fully installed.


brazil it see's no data from falloutNV .others do.

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Is there anything wrong with my load order, or the mods selected themselves? Could enhanced blood texture and eve fnv run together?

to answer this would mean the game runs with out the mods enabled, sense it does not run makes the question Void. Unless the data in the mods is corrupted, then the game wil see this corruption and not load at all. the only way to make sure is to not have the data from the mods in the data directory at all and run the main game by it's self. that means, no texture folders, no mesh folders, just the original game data "Left in place."


make a folder, any folder out side of that data folder and drag out all the files, loose files, leave in place only files that come with the game.


If the default game does not run still? then you need to uninstall and refresh the game .BUT ,you need to use steams applications or you will loose your keys.

so, the best safe way is to do what I tell you, don't uninstall the game because of some mods doing, Isolate and kill the bug, find out what is the cause.


nothing is going to inject data into any bsa archive. if the music folder received incorrectly formatted data files, xmw files or some such, delete them.


you can't get an answer to possible mod related problems if the mods are not the cause. we, you and I and every one reading this, do not know what the cause is yet. best way is to find out. what if this continues? what if you reinstall and still have the same problems? 2 maybe 5 minutes of time to find out. My way. hours or days any other way. your choice. I will wait.



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ok then, check the My Documents folder\ My games Folder, and delete all the files in there.


Go to your " Your" folder that is like this (D:\STEAM\SteamApps\common\Fallout New Vegas\FalloutNVLauncher.exe <--click that.

let it reset the system and then run it.

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