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Posting permissions?

Guest Luxar's Ghost

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Guest Luxar's Ghost

Hey everybody,


A while back, I made an "indecent" and "stupid" joke on the MEMod forums. Due to that post, Dark0ne sentenced me to being muted on the forums for 10 days. It's now been close to 30 days, I would say, and I still don't have my permissions back. I've attempted email, pm, and instant messaging him through AIM. But he won't even dignify me with a reply. :\. All I'm asking for is my posting permissions back, which I rightly deserve.





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ok well, this is luxar. As I have tried unsuccessfully attempted to contact Dark0ne about this 50+ times, I've decided to just create a new account. So hey everybody, this is Luxar v2.0 :).
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