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Help, CTD after sometime maybe after an a hour of playing,


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this is my first experience of CTD playing skyrim with this mod, idk what i'm doing wrong, maybe i forgot something, but after sometime i can't figure it out what is happen to my game.. please help


this is my mod list from MO2 and i provide the screenshot of LOOT Log

"0000","+","Unmanaged: LevelersTower"
"0001","+","Unmanaged: SoS - Civilization -PatchCoTSounds"
"0002","+","Unmanaged: RSkyrimChildren"
"0003","+","Unmanaged: Locational Damage"
"0004","+","Unmanaged: DeadlySpellImpacts"
"0005","+","DLC: HighResTexturePack03"
"0006","+","DLC: HighResTexturePack02"
"0007","+","DLC: HighResTexturePack01"
"0008","+","DLC: HearthFires"
"0009","+","DLC: Dragonborn"
"0010","+","DLC: Dawnguard"
"0012","+","Calientes Beautiful Bodies Edition -CBBE-"
"0013","+","Immersive Armors"
"0014","+","Immersive Weapons"
"0015","+","Immersive Music by Hothtrooper44"
"0016","+","Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch"
"0017","+","A Quality World Map and Solstheim Map - With Roads"
"0019","+","Enhanced Blood Textures"
"0020","+","Cloaks of Skyrim"
"0021","+","Better males - Beautiful nudes and faces - New hairstyles"
"0022","+","Realistic Ragdolls and Force"
"0023","+","Fix Lip Sync"
"0024","+","Flora Respawn Fix"
"0025","+","Enchantment Reload Fix"
"0026","+","Better Dialogue Controls"
"0027","+","Better MessageBox Controls"
"0028","+","Apocalypse - Magic of Skyrim"
"0029","+","ShowRaceMenu Precache Killer"
"0030","+","Interesting NPCs"
"0031","+","Animated Prostitution - Skyrim"
"0032","+","The Dance of Death - A Killmove Mod"
"0033","+","JaySuS Swords"
"0034","+","HDT Physics Extensions"
"0035","+","Convenient Horses"
"0036","+","Wet and Cold"
"0037","+","Immersive Patrols"
"0038","+","Skyrim Performance PLUS"
"0039","+","Immersive HUD - iHUD"
"0040","+","Amazing Follower Tweaks"
"0041","+","Deadly Mutilation - compatibility patch for Cloaks of Skyrim"
"0042","+","BLEED - A Blood Overhaul"
"0043","+","RS Children Overhaul"
"0044","+","Skyrim -Community- Uncapper"
"0045","+","Wearable Lanterns"
"0046","+","Auto Unequip Ammo"
"0047","+","Safety Load"
"0048","+","Sounds of Skyrim - The Dungeons"
"0049","+","Immersive Citizens - AI Overhaul"
"0050","+","Sounds of Skyrim - Civilization"
"0051","+","OBIS - Organized Bandits In Skyrim"
"0052","+","Crash fixes"
"0053","+","SkyTEST - Realistic Animals and Predators"
"0054","+","Inconsequential NPCs"
"0055","+","Skyrim Project Optimization"
"0056","+","Weapons and Armor Fixes Remade"
"0057","+","Relationship Dialogue Overhaul - RDO"
"0058","+","VioLens - A Killmove Mod"
"0059","+","Levelers Tower v35a"
"0060","+","Levelers Tower Patch"
"0061","+","Unread Books Glow"
"0062","+","Duel - Combat Realism"
"0063","+","No Spinning Death Animation"
"0064","+","Sneak Tools"
"0065","+","My Home Is Your Home - a mod for followers"
"0066","+","Improved Combat Sounds"
"0068","+","Even Better Quest Objectives"
"0069","+","Bug fixes"
"0070","+","Immersive Horses"
"0071","+","Multiple Marriages-Spouse Dress Up-Rehousing-And More"
"0072","+","FileAccess Interface for Skyrim Script - FISS"
"0073","+","Grimy Plugin"
"0075","+","Modern Brawl Bug Fix"
"0076","+","Load Game CTD Fix"
"0077","+","Green Water Fix"
"0078","+","New Beginnings -- Live Another Life Extension"
"0079","+","Skyrim Unlimited Rings And Amulets"
"0080","+","More Interesting Loot for Skyrim"
"0081","+","Crafting Supplies - All In One"
"0082","+","Skills Config"
"0083","+","Take Notes - Journal of the Dragonborn"
"0084","+","Travellers of Skyrim - Travelers"
"0085","+","EASIER LOCKPICKING - Without Cheating - Nordic Retexture"
"0086","+","Rings of Power"
"0087","+","Immersive College of Winterhold"
"0088","+","Crafting Necklace"
"0089","+","Max Skills and All Perks - FOMod Install"
"0090","+","Golden Rings Of Crafting"
"0091","+","Blitz Console Commands - MCM"
"0092","+","Sharlikrans Compatibility Patches"
"0093","+","Vokrii - Minimalistic Perks of Skyrim"
"0094","+","Complete Whiterun bug FIX"
"0096","+","Alternate Start"


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