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Metal Gear Solid 4 'Octocamo'


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I assume it's 100%. IMPOSSIBLE to make the Octocamo fully like the one in MGS4 with the mimicing the surroundings technology... But is there any one that can make the standard octocamo look?



I'll upload some pictures of how it looks like.





And here's a video of GameTrailers revealing the suit (in HD)





Let me know if some one actually would do this!!



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Well, we've alredy got a CIRAS tactical vest... which you can find HERE There is a beta version that you can wear over armors, but some clipping is prone to happen. You can try wear it over a stealth suit (or something simillar, if you don't have the Operation Anchorage DLC) :P


I'd love to see AlexScorpions Sneaking Gear in fallout though *_*


PS: I think I've seen a Crisys suit rip somewhere... I can't tell you where to get, but you have google for that :3

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Correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't octocamo actually look just like the existing cloak fields? I mean, in single player, they didn't have the same effect as they did in multiplayer, but that was just because the game would be kinda annoying if you were just invisible, and turned into different shades of invisible when you got new camo instead of actually seeing a major difference. That being said, I do think it would be nice. Maybe with the solid eye, the face camo (I don't know if you mentioned that already) and maybe the hair?
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Correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't octocamo actually look just like the existing cloak fields? I mean, in single player, they didn't have the same effect as they did in multiplayer, but that was just because the game would be kinda annoying if you were just invisible, and turned into different shades of invisible when you got new camo instead of actually seeing a major difference. That being said, I do think it would be nice. Maybe with the solid eye, the face camo (I don't know if you mentioned that already) and maybe the hair?



When I play MGS4 I don't even use the 'Auto Octocamo' I use it on Manual and leave the suit with a rather dark blue/black sleek look. That suit is just so *ban* amazing! I especially like it in the 'MGS4 water' Image I uploaded.


It would be a shame if no one wanted to make this :P

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