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Help with RDO SE Mod


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Hi guys! Strange as it sounds this is my first time playing Skyrim. And of course, I got stuck on the most fun part of the game - modding 1f923.png
First I apologize for a noob question.
I have a question about this mod https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/1187...
Did anyone here install it recently? What is confusing to me is this order of mods that needs to be adjusted with LOOT, since many instructions here are contradictory and striked through. The problem is that I don't know how to select the proper order, cos instructions on the mod page are a bit confusing to me. And I have no idea how to test if this mod works at all since it adds new dialogue options and voice acting. And since I never played the game I have no idea how to test if the mods works or not. Do you have any ideas? How can I test that it works after installing it? Without having to play vanilla first for 40+ hours.
P.S. I am using Vortex as mod installer.
Here is my current order of mods from loot if that helps.


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actually i recommend you to reconsider installing it the mod is so old and has alot of conflicting issues even with patches unless your load order like 10 mods xD



whenever you install it with custom followers you will not be able to communicate with them at all not all of them though

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