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Elf face-swap. Anyone with time on their hands want to help?


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Hey, so I'm sure this is a very very simple thing, but I am very new and inexperienced with all this so if someone wants to be patient, do some minor sluething and help me out with this I would be very grateful.


I downloaded the following pak http://nwvault.ign.com/View.php?view=nwn2hakpaksoriginal.detail&id=350


I love the moon elf face, the slightly more made up one. I want to play as a sun elf. I'm sure this is stupidly easy, but what do i need to do get that model/texture onto a sun elf?


I did what I thought was right and tried renaming the files from EE to ES but I end up with a headless sun elf.. Yes I'm playing the original storyline, like a nerd, and want my character to look a particular way..


Please give me some very simple step by step instructions.. If you are bored.


This info will also be helpful for me to switch faces around from other hakpaks. pls and thanks! ELI5

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Well, I'm not bored, but I know how to help. Renaming the files the usual way won't work. You need to use a program called MDB Cloner to open the file and resave it with the new name. You might also need a gr2 file (skeleton), but you can just rename those normally.

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