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Haerthfire Fireplace - FPS issues.


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So I've got this weird problem with the Harthfire fireplace, When ever I look at it, or its in my view I get an FPS hit.


It is the only fireplace in the whole of skyrim to do this to me. (in all 3 hearthfire houses).


I run at 60 FPS, when I look at it i get down to 40 (it's noticeable, not even sure if 40 is right). the RAM and VRAM stays the same. the GPU drops down 7% which is odd considering it should go up to try and keep at 60 FPS.


Has anyone else ran into this problem? if so, got a fix?


the only fire mod I'm running is Ultimate HD Fire Effects. I'm also running Enhanced Lights and FX .



Before Fireplace



At Fireplace


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