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Any Oblivion fans looking at Mass Effect 2?

Varus Torvyn

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When I boot Mass Effect, all it does is check for news.


That right there? That's more than it should be doing. I don't really care if it affects loading times or not, I care that it is checking every X amount of time to make sure that my legally purchased game is still legally purchased (hint: it is). I've ranted the whole rant entirely too many times to go any deeper than that. Suffice it to say that if it's a choice between the 360 version and having more DRM on my system, I'll throw in with the console crowd.


I am happy to hear that they're backing off a bit, though... perhaps the fallout from Spore really was a learning experience for EA. I'm quite excited about Dragon Age also. :)





It seems that Shep isn't dead after all.


Other characters making appearances:





- Possibly Liara (next to Shepard in a car)


- A screenshot shows Tali (or at least, a Quarian who is probably Tali).


...call 'em as you see 'em.

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I'm looking forward to the game on PC (maybe 360 if the frammrate issues and texture loading times are fixed).


I certainly hope there is a little more to do in the second game, and that maybe you can really be evil. :devil:


The first game was good, but there were several issues like the frammrate (even sometimes on PC) and the textures. Also, some places had too many repeating appearances, and lack of great variation in missions. However, it was still a good game besides these small issues. Hopefully, the second game will exceed the first in every field of quality. :thumbsup:

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The first mass effect was awesome ,the option to be like a movie the ambience ,everything was fantastic

i liked it more than oblivion.Mass effect had an incredible story and awesomes races ,Wrex ,Geth Asari,Rachni,Krogan Thorian wanna find out what happens to Sheppard and Normandy and the battle against the Reapers.Only bad thing of the game was the secondary mission map were a copy paste of each other ,random mine,random building etc.

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If its anywhere near as buggy as the original, there is no way in hell I'm buying it.


I actually cant play the original without downgrading my graphics drivers to a version released a year or two ago, and even then it sits on a black screen for several minutes before actually starting.


Not to mention the issues I had with the EA download manager - I actually had to download the actual game files from somewhere else, and use those to play my copy, because the download manager refused to work properly. :P


It was a good game though, and I did enjoy it, I would like to replay it, but as downgrading my graphics drivers is irritating and breaks half my other games, I cant =/

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If its anywhere near as buggy as the original, there is no way in hell I'm buying it.


I actually cant play the original without downgrading my graphics drivers to a version released a year or two ago, and even then it sits on a black screen for several minutes before actually starting.


Not to mention the issues I had with the EA download manager - I actually had to download the actual game files from somewhere else, and use those to play my copy, because the download manager refused to work properly. :P


It was a good game though, and I did enjoy it, I would like to replay it, but as downgrading my graphics drivers is irritating and breaks half my other games, I cant =/


Bugs? I really didn't experience any myself other than one. It was when you tried to talk with either




on the


and you tried to use any other key besides "e" to talk with them. If I tried enter, they would just look blindly into space and no conversation would occur. I'd have to reload to the last save-point to be able to play again.


Now I do hope they fix this "Key-compatability" as you may call it.

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Loved the first, hoping the sequel will put in a bettor inventory and better action parts. The inventory was quite horrible, but it didn't ruin the game experience at all. Just clearing space got a bit annoying.


Can't wait, i expect it too be really awesome.

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Loved the first, hoping the sequel will put in a bettor inventory and better action parts. The inventory was quite horrible, but it didn't ruin the game experience at all. Just clearing space got a bit annoying.


Can't wait, i expect it too be really awesome.


Definitely. The inventory was really annoying. I think they would have done better to make one similar not identical for copying reasons) to that which is used in Oblivion. While it still could be a better inventory system, implementing one similar to Oblivion's in Mass Effect 1 would've been a big relief.


And mods! I'd love to see mods for this game.

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