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A never ending story


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Billy Idol because nothing stinks more than an over aged punk rocker trying to stage a comeback 20 years later. (out of story.. he used to be good though) So if they could get what his publicist was using to be around him they would be able to stand any stench.


So as they were about to board the plane Catwomen realized that Bill gats's ego was over inflated and would not fit in the plane, so she proceeded to tell everyone why he names the company microsoft and that would quickly deflate anyone's ego.


Now that they were on the plane all was well until....

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Bill Gates' ego came to the rescue squashing the terrorists flat allowing the plane to touch down safely right outside Idle Billy's mansion.


While the other passengers try to find out how to get to where they want, Catwoman enters the house cunningly avoiding the servants Beau Nidle and Lazy Susan.


She quickly...

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Landed right in front a a car insurance office. So he walked in and to his suprise ran into the Mall girl.


She told him her story which included a magic lamp, a genie and a wish to be surrounded by left socks.


Then she asked if he would like to save up to 15% on his car insurance.


Meanwhile back at Billy Idol's house catwoman was just waking up to find out that....

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it was not a good idea to go to sleep on an empty stomach. She is ravenously hungry. All she can see are three blind tailless mice, a mere snackette. Grabbing a sock she stuffs the mice into it before putting it into the oven on a low heat.


She sets the timer for fifteen minutes and then...

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