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A never ending story


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  • 5 months later...

Santa crashed in to her with his sleigh!


- Oh no! What will happen to cristmas now?


Santa said to himself...


- All my presents will be coverd with cathair!


But... as a gift from God, santas brother appeard, and...

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Never fear. The latest cleaning fluid 'send it all to Oblivion' is only slightly delayed but you may have this 20 minute possibly illegal demonstration of how good it is a clearing away unnecessary Cathars.


Oh wait, did that say cathairs? No good for them. Oblivion only rids the world of PC gamers, children and religious sects.

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Unfortunately for santa, Oblivion allso rids the world of social life, and a lot of soft drinks and peanuts.


And, since santa is made of social life, soft drinks ("and possibly peanuts to") santa died!



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Not to mention that Christmas itself is associated with some weird religious beliefs. Poor Santa stood no chance. But a funny looking man with a plasticine dog and wearing what were definitely the wrong trousers appears with Wensleydale cheese and the werebunnae of salvation. He...
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asks, has anyone seen my socks it seems they just got up and ran away. Realizing that there was no alive to hear him he quickly searched through all the gifts looking for a new pair of sock.

Unable to find a pair he dicided it was in his best interest to use the werebunny of salvatino to bring the strangly dressed fat man back to life. Just as he was about to...

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