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A never ending story


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They saw it, in the doorway stood the ugliest cucumber ever seen, it was the cucumber of death, the cucumber of pain, the cucumber of malfunctioning-hardware...


There was nothing they could do... But, someone knew what to do, and that one was...

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OOC> I am being asked to believe in the cucumber of death? A vegetable that moves around by itself?


On topic...


That one was George W Bush, the well known dyslexia sufferer who had come straight from talking to his god (really we all know that means dog). He immediately fired the cucumber at Canada who he believed to be stockpiling cucumber peelers that might be used offensively against his person. But really to keep the eyes of the population away from his own shenanigans.


One person however knew what this unscrupulous politician was really trying to hide. This was...

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OOC> No, we here on "Gabriels Bra Corporation" just want to advertise for our new product "Deadly Cucumber Bra", a dark green bra depicting a cucumber with a scythe. Very sexy!


God him/her-self, and God knew what Bush was trying to hide... but, since God was so good, he let bush keep his secrets for himself, until now...

When someone claims that he is better then God, then God gets angry, and when God is angry, you better hide your ass in the nearest trashcan. Now God was angry, and he/she had figured out the perfect way to punish Bush, God told humankind Bush's biggest seecret, and it was:

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He doesn't like anyone to have more than he has. He has to have the most, the biggest, the best. And in the war between the socks and the shoes George W Bush is firmly on the side of the shoes. His policy on it is a load of old cobblers (strangely resemblant of his policy on nearly everything). But hearing that the war was escalating (and having had the word explained to him in words of one syllable) he instantly appointed the youngest, least experienced, but most extreme fundamantalist sockdologer, to head up the supreme cobblers court.


The cucumber bra was the only support the socks had at this point. Although she was drunk (or in her cups as the slang has it) she still packed a powerful punch.


But unbeknown to anyone, in a secret hide out beneath the floor of the gymnasium at a school in Uppsala Sweden...

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