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A never ending story


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The kindly spirit of the Ice cream fairy did not allow the pair to die for lack of false teeth and resurrects them giving them the necessary teeth. Unfortuntely she has swapped over their minds and bodies in the process so Gabriel's body has Crazy Otto's brain and vice versa.


Can anyone tell the difference?


But lo and behold here is the Condoleeza Rice-Pudding Hound herself, toothless jaws slavering, threatening to gum Gabriel or is it Otto to death!



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quickly picked up thier newly bought 'Sock'ia-Mobilephones and called their mothers:


Gabriel (or Otto): "Help Mom! We gona die here!"

Mom: "Who bloody cares? You forgot my last birthday!"

Otto (or Gabriel): "But..."

Mom: "No, I won't send you any money! Get lost!"




And then the dog...

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Saw the bush and did what dog's do in these situations giving Gatto and Obriel the chance to run away or to die in glory with their names evermore famous for saving the world from the Rice-Pudding Bush.


Naturally they ran away.


Unfortunately for them...

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didn't know what it was, and...














OOC> Ok, Just kidding ;)


decided to pick it up... I mean, you never know when an unidentified enchanted item may come in handy.


Thier only problem right now, was that Gatto and Obriel REALLY wanted to be Gabriel and Otto again, so they decided to...

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Find the split banana. Maybe they could use it's rift to put themselves back together correctly - or maybe not. It had to be worth trying.


They knew that ice cream usually went well with split bananas so...

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leads to a summersault.


Sockie doesnt want this but now he rolls and rolls and rolls down that Hill

watching how his Companions sock it to his Master.

Shortly before impacting on a big Rock,a Wheel rolls over throwing himself between the sock and the rock.

Thank you sockie sayed but now...

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