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A never ending story


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Burried the Hamburger inside the blobs intestine, cried a bit, and then realised that they had to get out of this blob somehow, but... how would they manage that without hot spices, big bad killer weapons, or mushroom-soy? The only way they could think about was...
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If the blob could be made to devour the Condoleeza Rice-Pudding Hound and the Bush it would certainly feel the need to throw up, giving them the chance to escape. Prodding the blob's digestive sack made the thing....
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the Blob turns his inside out,becoming a Über voracious Jellyfish.


Now a Jellyfish,and free of his own cage of a body,he searchs for the next Sea.

But all he found was a puddle of mud,that starts to speak to him...

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But the mud-puddle dosn't have a chance to say anything more, because when the blob turned inside out, Gatto and Obriel was released, and now they seek revenge! They killed the blob in one single mighty blow... each!


"No!" Said the puddle of mud, "I was going to tell him about...

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"Lemon cheesecake! I just love lemon cheesecake, and strawberry fool, and creme brulee, and chocolate and mmmmmmmm!"


The mud pool then says. "But I know how to get you back in to the right body. All you have to do is..."

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of course turn your inside out and pray for better weather.


But then Lord Vader arrives,telling him that he is his Father and has to come with him,to rule the Galaxy and offending the mudsucking Emperor,so nobody never ever beats a jellyfish again.


After two minutes the Bush from Phythons is coming around the corner,seeing the group,wondering about...

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