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the assasination attempt and also why he smells like pudding piss. He thinks he may need some help so he calls upon his faithless friend Tony the Blair Witch hoping that maybe he can help him out of this predicament.


While waiting for Tony he decides he better

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Annouces that Gatto (the big Swede) has apologized for the assansination attmept and is now a suopporter for the shoes in the great soxer rebellion.


As a response Jaque thasock a, key supporter for the socks, declares that his country will no longer buy shoes from sweden. and then takes the rest of the week off.

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started killing all the birds in the area. Unfortunately, he accidentally killed some "not-as-much-birds-as-they-where-supposed-to-be" (well... not birds anyway). And one of these "none-bird-thingys" was...
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...actually one of the four horsepersons of the apocalypse. Everybody cheered because now Pestilence was dead there could be no more bird flu. And yet there still was bird flu? Examining the corpse of Pestilence, Gattobriel made an astonishing discovery, finding...
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The "sword of undoing"!


Maybe Gattobriel could be Gabriel ans Otto again... The only problem, whas... How to use the sword? Should they kill themself with it or?... In search for more clues, they wandered of in to the distance...


When they finally reached a destination worth the name, they realised that they had arrived in...

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Omaha, Nebraska - not really a place worth naming but... Being in the American mid west in late fall they found an Indian Summer who quickly added up their errors and gave them a fine for parking in front of a hydrant. He did however know the way to San Jose where, he told them, they would find a way of being separated. Although he recommended Reno Nevada as the easiest place for a legal separation.


On hearing the wonderful news Gattobriel jumped on a Greyhound for Reno.


Unfortnately the dog could not carry him/them/it and so...

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he/they/it (HTI) decided to try and figure out how to use the sword by themselves. First HTI tried all the popular activation spells like 'poof' and 'abbra cadabra' but none of these worked. HTI then clicked his/their/its heels together and said "there's no place like home' 3 times. At first this seemed to be working but then they woke up in Kansas, which is about as unmentionable as Omaha. As a last resort Gattobriel held the sword overhead and spoke the fabled words....'By the power of Greyskull.' This had the highly amusing effect of turning Gattobriel into a muscle-bound sexually challenged human in a fur speedo.


Making the best of the sitation they decided to go to San Fransisco, which again brought up the problem of travel options.

The solution to this problem was quite simple as all HTI had to do was.....

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