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A never ending story


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Follow the sign that said "If you are a muscle-bound sexually challenged guy in speedos and are looking to get to San Francisco, walk this way."


Walking that way certainly drew some funny looks from the population of Kansas (all of whom seemed to go moo rather a lot) but they would eventually have reached their destination had a tornado not dropped Dorothy's cottage on their heads.


This split them in two and the effect of the sword meant they were now separated except Gabriel had Otto's legs and vice versa.


Dorothy emerged from the cottage and said "Are you the wicked witch of the west?"


Noticing that she was carrying a sawn off shotgun they decided to...

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Draw the sword! Unfortunately, Gabriel and Otto had forgot that they wasn't Gattobriel anymore, and therefore they bumped into eachother when they reached for the sword. That bump resulted in a big "Thump!-like-sound", a lot of headache for Gabriel and Otto and a lot of confusing expressions moving over Dorothy's face.


"Well..." said dorothy to herself, "I guess that answeres my question..."


She dropped her gun, undressed herself, took Gabriel under one arm, and Otto under the other, and walked over to the nearest bar...


When she arrived, someone in the bar said:


"Look! A naked girl walkes in to the bar, with Gabriel under one arm, and Otto under the other!"...


"Oh shutup Frank!" Someone else said, "You allways have to...

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be the one that speaks the bleedin' obvious."


He calls across to the girl "I thought you'd gone to Oz?"


"You'd better ask Frank about that!" the girl replied. "He writes the scripts. Anyway I'm here now and I'm hungry!"


"Attack of the munchkins, hehehe!" Frank muttered under his breath.


Dorothy gave him a swift uppercut to the chin that threw him across the bar. Gabriel and Otto were dropped unceremoniously to the floor. As they struggled to get up she said to them "Your legs look wrong!"


Frank also picking himself up from the floor grabbed a bottle of whisky and...

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Passed it over to Gabriel, "So, who are you then? What did you do to make Dorothy treat you like that?"


"Her freaki'n house dropped down on me head!"


Frank nodded, "Yes, that happens now and then, one just have to accept it and move on forward. Is that why your legs is all messed up?"


"No it's because..."


But Gabriel wasn't able to continue, because everyone in the bar had turned thier attention to something going on near the kitchen, it was...

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the Condoleeza rice-pudding hound (still without its teeth). Somehow it had run all the way to Kansas chasing a greyhound unaware that Bushman had just appointed his three year old nephew as Head of the US Supreme Court.


"He is profoundly influenced as am I by the word of Dog. I should add that whilst this wonderful nation contains many people who don't believe in my dog I'm in charge and so you believe what I tell you to believe. Have you got that, you dummies?"


But the rice-pudding dog was more interested in...

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