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A never ending story


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The room became completely silent.

"Who'd wanna go to a place such as that? Haven't you heard the rumors?" someone said.


"I sure haven't, but it sounds like a pretty friggin' sweet place, that I'm going there anyway." said Gabriel.


"Well do as you like," said a drunkard as he rose from beneath a table "but if I were you, I'd stay the hell away. I've been there once and I never wanna go back!"


The drunkard started to tell the tale of Malchik School of English and Espionage and what had happened to him there...

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"Once upon a time, when I was young and had all my hair. Long before my seventeen face lifts and my addiction to anti-ageing cream, I was considered to be a handsome man."


The drunkard blears around to make sure everyone is paying attention.


"I enrolled in the school of espionage to learn the skills of an assassin. Of course before specialising we had to do a common year in which we were taught how to tell the difference between commonly confused items - chalk and cheese, arse and elbow, silk purse and sow's ear - but I passed that with flying colours."


"Then I discovered who was to be my tutor in assassination. My heart trembled, I turned the colour of only slightly yellow snow, my knees gave way. And so will yours when I tell you the name. It was...

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"Malchik clone number 1!"


A big "Oooooooooh" escaped from the crowd...


"Yes, i'ts true, it was the very first clone, the most fearsome, the most brutal, the most malchik-like clone of them all, and the first thing he said to me was..."

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To that Gabriel simply replied - If you don't already know it is already too late.


Gabriel then went out side grabbed a handful of snow and threw it at Malchik clone number 1. Who then started melting.


It turned out that Malchik clone number 1 was actually the wicked witch of the south-west and all the munchkins (or vertically challed people who aren't disabled but still get special prviledges) cheered and there was much rejoicing. Soon winter became spring; spring became summer; then global warming combined fall and winter to become falter.


All the while Gabriel got better at english and learned the secret art of espionage which you aren't so much taught, becuase it is secret and therefore no one can tell you about it, as you learn by trial and error. This usually amounts in a lot of jail time which Gabriel spent doing......

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OOC> It wasn't Gabriel who told the story :) But that doesn't matter, I continue anyway ;) I am allways happy when someone other than Malchik and me post here :)


The things you do when you are in Jail, bribing guards, killing rats, pick-locketing, lock-picketing, and ofcourse a lot of sock-LICKeting.


But when Gabriel didn't do any of these thing, then he killed his time worrying about his old friend Otto, who had accidentally been murdered by a bunch of big nasty dwarfes along the way to Malchiks School of Espenglish and Enpionage (or what it now was called).


But what Gabriel did not know was that Otto...

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