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A never ending story


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Whose ashes were actually in the flowerpot on his head, could be resurrected with a little help from a magical Raven. If only he had a get out of jail free card. But it was the monotony, not Monopoly, that was getting to him. He needed to escape - but how?


Then he remembered...

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As he paced around the cell he hears a sudden hollow ring from beneath one of the flagstones. Can he prise it up? He gets his fingers around the edge and heaves! Suddenly the stone pops open to reveal...
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<ooc -- Sorry about that and thanks for going easy on me>



A trans-dimensional gateway to the stars, at least that what it said under the stone. So having no other choice Gabriel jumped into the gate way. Much to his suprise it was quite an experience, seems not only was this a trans-dimensional gateway but a first class one to boot. So he sat back and enjoyed the ride and watched the movie (Romancing the Stone of course). A few Pan Galactic Garglebalster later he emerged quite gracefully on hollywood boulavard.


Although not exactly the destination he had in mind Gabriel made the best of it and ...

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Unknowingly started a new craze for the wearing of flower pots on heads throughout LaLa Land.


This was specially true in the areas surrounding Beverley Hills whose inhabitants did not realise that they were wasting their time since they already had flower pots for heads in the first place.


Be that as it may, a sky blue stretch limo screeched to a halt beside him. A man in a black suit and shades who bore a remarkable resemblance to millions of other men in black suits and shades yelled.


"Get in, Governor Arnie wants a word with you."


As the man opens the door....

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Gabriel is acosted by a horde of angry left socks.


You see the left socks are trying to turn lala land into lalala bamba land and any friend of the gov'ner is obviously a friend of the right shoes and must be taken care of.


So now poor Gabriel is a hostage to the socks bound, blindfolded, and tied up by socks. Just as he is about to give up all together he hears a man running around shouting all sorts of nonsense like "I've got you now" and "lets see who goes in the work shoes." While all the socks were distracted Gabriel managed to slip his hands free, thanks to an undercover right sock, and take off his blindfold. What he saw next was quite a suprise as there was a funnly looking man in the wrong trousers with a handful of left socks.


Gabriel then decided it was in his best interest too......

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Empty the contents of the flower pot into a sock. In an emergency Otto could be used as a weapon of mass destruction.


As the sock complained Gabriel tied a knot in the top. "Must be better than a smelly foot!" He snapped and dashed back into the streets of what was now Lalalala Bambaramba land.


The streets were awash with rhythms of marimbas, steel bands, jazz trios and symphony orchestras. Gabriel was so shocked he hesitated a minim too long, tripped over a double-dotted crotchet and started to quaver. This was not natural. But he'd have to look sharp, he had fallen flat, face down in...

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a big cake <<<|OOC Look at the picture I found :P|>>> as Gabriel started to eat from the very tasty cake, someone with a white apron, a big white hat, and a really angry expression in his face rushed towards him. It was...


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Terry Pratchett.


"You have just squashed flat the great A-tuin! What have you done to the poor elephants. You have destroyed Discworld!"


He smacks Gabriel in the face with a writ demanding $300000000.


But the ashes of Crazy Otto in the sock is not without power. He.....

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