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Daemu, Lord of the Necromancers.

Along time ago, Hulk Hogan had made a deal with Daemu. In return for the life of a loved one, Hulk Hogan's body would host one of Daemu's followers. He had never comprehended how horrible it would be, sharing a body with Xandes.


Marcus, miracuously still alive, looked around, and, seeing his brothers dead, swore revenge on Xande, Daemu, and anyone who got in his way.



It was at this time that 4 kanji appeared on his head and his tail split into 4 pieces, which grew into 4 full tails. He jumped to view the surrounding landscape and set off to find his enemies.

He met a girl, by the name of Takara, on his way. Turns out she had been hunting this Xandes for 7years, ever since her parents had been killed by him. Marcus, who had never known his parents, accepted her offer to join forces in the hunt.


Well, we all know what happens. They were about the same age, young, reckless, and bound to spend a lot of time in close proximity....


But enough of that. Although they were very similar in purpose, they were so different in other areas (Marcus is hairy, drinks 4 shots of gin a day, eats around 43 ounces of meat in one sitting, enjoys killing worthy opponents to prove his swordmanship and has hair as white as his sharpened fangs. Takara is bald bodied, hates booze, can hardly stomach a chicken breast, avoids fighting, uses magic when she has to kill ,has black hair on her head and straight teeth) that they couldn't have a decent conversation. They wouldn't even discuss their pasts for weeks. We must turn our attention to something currently unfolding, namely, Daemu's evil plan........

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Was interupted by some random Aliens who, using a massive tractor-beam moved the entire planet into a black hole.


Meanwhile, in a gallaxy far, far away...


(OOC. THIS IS THE END of those wolf-things forever)

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Any pudding.


White pudding, black pudding, slightly off white pudding with grey flecks in it of which the dominant pudding was...



Indeed the real pudding was...

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The ground up organs of various alien crustaceans!!!


The Space Lobster and Crab United Army was not very happy with this, and declared war. On who? Ummmmmmmmmm....... We may never actually know.


Anyways, all that matters is that it was mostly crustaceans, and the Buuorfs loved to eat crusteceans. So the Buuorfs sent their sea otter slaves to collect the crustecean bits. But little did the Buuorfs know of the mutiny that would occur......

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Because the Sea Otter Republic (as they now call themselves) also liked to eat crusteceans.

They armed themselves with the most powerful weapons known to Otter-kind; small, hard, ROCKS OF DOOM!


Now that they were armed it was only a matter of time before...

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the Buuorf captain walked into the room and screamed


(which translates into "WHAT IS GOING ON?!?!?!" for those who don't speak Buuorf)

The otters grabbed his head and beat it with their rocks until it was nothing but mush. The otters then preceded to do the same to every crew member until all the Buuorfs were dead. With the spaceship under his control, the sea otter captain, Chickchickrock, plotted a course to the blackmarket weapons cache to outfit his prize with laser gattling guns, ion canons and an Ubernuke launcher. This is were I, the second Marcus Wolfe in this story, make my debut. I was cloned from the remains of the previous Marcus Wolfe, and fly around in a Gundamesque mech.


With me working for the Sea Otter Republic, the Buuorf Empire knew that it's rein of Tyranny was almost over. That didn't, however, stop them from putting up a fight at the end.

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(OOC: REMAINS?! The whole planet, Wolf-boy and all, where forced into a black hole, in another galaxy, so how did they get remains?)


This was bad for the Buuorfs so they Allied with...

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Silver bullets, the Full MoonTM and the Dish-That-Ran-Away-With-The-Spoon (the Spoon was fickel, and had run off again with a whizened old hermit that liked pudding in a galaxy far far away). The otters, which are by nature creatures of habit, frolicked under the Full MoonTM, which fell from the sky, and squished them flat; Silver Bullets took out the stupid wolf as fast as snot thorugh a blender; and the Dish went to check out the pudding, where it found ...
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That even thoguh my body was completly destroyed, my mech was still working. My mind and the machine fused, as consumed the dish and all the pudding in it before I proceeded to reek havok on the Buuorf's home world. I blew up their capital city, Bugoooooodij, and unleashed the gattling guns of doom on their key millitary bases. THe otters came out of their frolicking trance and we proceeded with our plans. We went to opposite poles and deployed our Ubernukes. This caused the entire planet to be blasted apart into subatomic particles. HURRAH! The day was won.

But then somethign terrible happened.

:glare: If I Had only seen that male without a father coming............

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