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A never ending story


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...Marcus Wolfe continues talking in first person in a third person thread. Oh the horror!


Meanwhile, in a far off land, in a far off place, in a far of time, so long ago that only one person remembers it and even he doesn't know what happened on that fateful Sunday afternoon right around tea time, there was an epic battle taking place which involved giant plush dolls and...

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Large parasites that want to suck your brains out!


the plush dolls fought tirelessly to destroy these parasites. They lost many of their number, but all those parasite were destroyed.

Then a large dog came in and tore up the plush dolls, leading to.....

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...stuffing to be thrown everywhere. Thankfully, or unluckily, depending on your point of veiw, the dog choked on the dolls. The dogs' owner was happy because he hated the damn thing.


The plush dolls only survivor, name Frank von Puttybottom the Third, declared vengence on all dogs, however...

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He was burned to ashes in an incident which would be later referred to as "The Time Marcus Wolfe Unleashed His Laser Gattling Guns Upon The Choclateer's Base" (oh great, just another thing I accidently burned to ashes)


With Santa dead and all the Plush in the world destroyed, little kids everywhere cried, whined, and were all round inconsolable. Geffa Mcsopher Intended to fix this by......

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the Emotinator 3000 (no idea why). Turns out it was actually just a brain washing device. Now all the toddler are under his control! While that may not seem like much now, this means everybody will be working for him in 15-20 years! AND I can't do anything about it except watch from this spiritual prison. Since I can no longer unleash my laser gattling guns upon the Earth, I'm relying on Ginji and Ninjalord to fix this. You 2 lead to my death, you fix this problem! Here's right next to Ninjalord's house, so I wonder what terrible fate shall befall him.......
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...unfortunately for the dead Wolfe, there is no one in this strange, eccentric thread by the name of "Ninjalord" or "Ginji" so, no one can avenge his just death.

The new bad guy with the long name decided to resurrect Wolfe, but soon regretted that decision and re-killed him. The now twice dead Wolfe had no other option but to pull someone else out of his over sized clown edition @$$ to post as. :D

Since this story is getting repetitive and boring, let's start something new which, if Wolfe doesn't interfere, might last more than one post.

Ages ago, sometime in the future, something...uh...happened...yeah...something happened which had...swords and...uh...cotton candy...something happened involving swords and cotton candy...

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Indeed the wizard Oblastit discovered that you could make swords from candy. They were not much use as weapons but the troops could live on them if push came to shove.


As the wizard liberally smeared very hot German mustard over his jam donut and even more wonderous ideas came to him, along with acute nausea, push did in fact come to shove.


He had forgotten to...

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....... cast his spell that kept the universe in natural order, becaue he failed to cast this spell the entire univese collapsed on its self, which for no apparent reason, un collapsed on itself like 5 seconds after it collapsed, but this time the universe contained only one planet, land of the geeks! fortunatly, the universe was sad because thir where only geeks in itself ,so it did the only thing it could, the universe used its magical powers to bring marcus wolfe back to life! only this time with a new and improved mech......
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OOC: This isn't my thread or anything, but I don't like the way this thread is going. Could you guys please try to maintain a story instead of completely changing the subject at every new post?
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