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A never ending story


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...it doesn't pay to fight an internal battle between two merged ninjas, not even for a fishicle. And plus he/they were in a factory that made these fishicles so there were hundreds to go around. So he/they promptly made up and tried to decide what to do next. After a few hours of thinking he/they decided to...
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Split back into two ninjas so it would be easier to fight over the Fishicle (like I said, they aren't too bright). Due to a lack of shurikens, the ninjas threw other Fishicles at each other during the fight. This mindless (literally :P ) violence eventually lead them to...
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................both of them starving to death...........in a fishstick factory.







Meanwhile, in the southern Pacific, a small tribe of indiginous people had just gotten back from a long day of shark fishing and were gretting their wives and children when....................

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...the police came.

"Hold! Don't you know gretting is illegal? You're all going to jail!"

Just then, the smelly ogre walked up and sat down on the police officer. The others were repelled by the horrid stench...literally. The fumes wafted over to the cops who were promptly launched into the sea. The natives, fortunately, were members of the No-Nose tribe, a tribe of people born without noses. They had no idea that smells existed and figured the ogre was magical. They began to worship him as their god. The ogre, never having been accepted by anyone (for obvious smell-related issues), gladly chose to live there with the natives as the island's protector.

A few months later, a shipment of Chocolate Covered Fishy Sticks made a wrong turn at Hawaii and went to the island instead of of Guam. The sailors were immediately launched into the sea from the ogre's smell, but the CCFSs were left unscathed. Next, the natives...

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...offered all of the CCFS's to the ogre, the ogre took one bite of one of the CCFS, and due to some very major allergic reaction to fish, promptly fell over and died. The natives fearing the CCFS's to be cursed threw them all into the sea and decided to...
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...preform a giant ritual suicide ceremony in which they all slaughtered themselves in an attempt to bring the ogre back to life. Unfortunately, things like that never work, so the natives killed themselves for nothing.

Apparently, the ogre smells even worse dead than alive. That being the case, all life on the island died within the hour. The island now serves as a guide to sailors as they can smell the ogre even before they see the island. It warns the sailors to turn back if they want to live.

As it turns out, the ogre had a son who...

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Had some serious mental issues. (I guess it's because his father tried to eat him)

When he heard that his father had died, he celebrated by going on a killing spree. He killed 3067 men, 4532 women and 6723 children. Strangely enough, this was the first time everybody but the messenger was killed. The messenger............

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Relaxed in his Chair Of PainTM and sipped a Corona. The day had been long, and the massacre bloody. The ogre's son thought to himself:"Hey, if Dad's dead, I wonder what else I don't know?"

So he read the day's newspaper, only to find out..........

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