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A never ending story


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...decided to get some help from the wise Mr. Miyagi. Mr. Miyagi said in order to reanimate Mr. Rogers they would need...
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...a butterfly. Now this would be a problem as several years ago, Chuk got bored and decided to kill every single insect and arachnid on the face of the planet. Needless to say, he succeeded which caused all amphibians, anteaters, chimpanzees, and countless birds to go extinct as well. Angus and BULHoFS decided to...
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open a black hole and suck Chuk into non-existence.


It worked too well. Mr. Miyagi, Cthulhu, Bruce Lee, the BULHoFS and a rabid chiwawa (is that how you spell it?) were sucked up as well as Chuk.


Angus cheered, he knew he had done the impossible:

Not only had he pwn Mr. Miyagi, Cthulhu, Bruce Lee, the BULHoFS, Chuk Norris and a rabid chiwawa, but he did all in one day!!!


He decided to celebrate with.....

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...a bottle of champagne. However, he forgot that he was allergic to it and had a severe reaction after downing the whole bottle. His head became twice it's normal size, his lungs collapsed, and his toes fell off. Unable to breathe, Angus died in pain and agony.


Several years later, a whole in the Space-Time Continuum opened up and Mr. Miyagi, Cthulhu, Bruce Lee, the BULHoFS, Chuk Norris and the rabid chihuahua fell out. Completely disorientated, they...

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... by a spawn-camping sniper. (I hate spawn campers. Don't you? Lousy buggers take all the fun out of- ahem...)

Before he could acquire another meaningless kill-point by offing Cthulhu (yes, the stupid jerk also cheats with instant kill bullets)

the Plot Fairy pulled the plug on the PS3 and berated Billy for neglecting his homework. Sulking for a bit, the boy did as he was told.

Rather than accepting their universe being reduced to nothingness and themselves sent into Oblivion (the game?)

Chuck Norris and Mr. Miyagi pulled a Star Ocean 3 and popped out into what was perceived as reality.

The others were not fast enough and instead bid their time of glory as data packets deep inside the hardrive of the console.

Heaving a sigh of relief at having saved the sanity of readers everywhere... and the universe once again, the Plot Fairy poofed out of the story. Not knowing when his fighting skills would be needed to save/enslave the world, Chuck asked Mr. Miyagi (Chuckie-san... heh heh) to train him in the way of...

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...the cowbell. It was an ancient technique known only by a select few people. Even Mr. Miyagi didn't know that, so they went to see:


When they arrived...

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...the tirelessly working Plot Fairy returned the world to it's pre chlorine-eating alien invasion state.

To prevent any more such incursions upon her favourite planet she placed several hundred anti-spacecraft Turbocannon Batteries

around the globe. Meanwhile, Chuckie-san continued with the Cowbell-Fu training.

After countless hours spent hitting the bell with a stick, he gained complete enlightenment and saw...

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