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Lore question regarding the Bosmer


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Hey everybody:), I have a mod I've been working on for some time but I've been totally stumped by one facet. One of the NPCs is a Bosmer and she is a member of a group of hired guards protecting a property the DB can possibly own later on in the story. The Hired guards are mercenary's including 2 Nords, 1 Imperial and probably 1 Bosmer archer. This group does have the basis of a uniform despite minor differences per individual. The Common part is a type of Brigandine (Metal & Leather) as the main and steel helmets (They don't all wear helmets) and miscellaneous for the peripherals. My question is "Would the Bosmer wear the uniform (torso) or refuse?

Hired guards (mercenary's) come and go often and this one is probably a temporary member but for this spot of time they are part of the group (Maybe).

Any insight would be appreciated, thanks.

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