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Is crashing normal?


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I have gone to making a clean save every hour or so and completely closing the game and opening back up. Seems to help somewhat I guess lol


Don't forget to spam F5. Every ten seconds. :smile:


Safety Load helps a lot actually. It reduced to zero my "loading screen" problems. So if you do find yourself with the infinite loading sometimes, install that.
Edited by Braescher
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I have gone to making a clean save every hour or so and completely closing the game and opening back up. Seems to help somewhat I guess lol


Don't forget to spam F5. Every ten seconds. :smile:


Safety Load helps a lot actually. It reduced to zero my "loading screen" problems. So if you do find yourself with the infinite loading sometimes, install that.


Lol I try not to spam F5 because I do tend to crash from that (curse Bethesda and there auto save bug in every title) And I havent had too much problem with Infinite loading screens in a long time. I was just wondering if it would help because it changes the Memory Allocation

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I run 80~100 mods and my game crashes roughly every 4~6 hours of solid game play. It's all a matter of installing the right mods to stop crashing. Oddly, mods that increase FPS, like ENBoost, can increase your chance of "off the wall random crashes" sometimes letting your FPS drop a little is better then letting the game crash. Also, ENBoost does not work an ENB is active, the speed hack process that makes the games FPS better has to be disabled for the visual effects of an ENB to be used. If you still want a good FPS friendly visual mod, install a SweetFX mod and set up ENBoost to do a proxy. ANY ENB increases your chances of CTDs by a noticeable amount, because it increases your memory usage noticeably. Note, it varies a lot from one to another, some have very little effect, some have a strong effect, but all ENBs, even ENBoost increase your chances of CTD, even if they increase your performance.


To be honest, I don't think you can remove 100% of the crashes. I know that if you the 3k memory ceiling, it will crash every time, the game can also hit 'script snags' and CTD on you very randomly (This is usually triggered by opening a menu, loading, or saving) I would say crashing more often then about every 3 hours of gameplay means something is rather wrong. I've gotten a character to 25+ hours without a SINGLE crash by stopping, hard saving, exiting skyrim all the way to the desktop, and reopening it about every 3 hours. EDIT; also, avoiding exiting to the main menu and reloading, ESPECIALLY a different character helps CTDs a lot. I think this makes it hit that 3k ceiling really fast or something! If you swap characters, ALWAYS exit to the desk top. One other random tip, if you use SKSE, click 'run as admin' instead of just launching it, this may do nothing, but it may make some SKSE mods work more stable, and SKSE mods are usually the culprits for causing script snags!


For the most part, I always like to describe CTD in skyrim like a game of jenga. The more mods you have, the faster it stacks up the blocks, the longer you play, the higher the stack goes. Sooner or later, the wrong block is going to be pulled, and then BAM the whole thing collapses in on itself, and your left staring at a pile of decimated wooden blocks... or your desktop. lol Even if you are the best jenga player in the world, if you play it long enough without stopping and resetting the tower, it will eventually collapse. So the safest way to prevent crashes to keep mods to a minimum, so the blocks stack slower, exit out skyrim and relaunch it often so they don't stack to high, and if a CTD is repeatable, then it's likely a mod conflict, and you need to track it down and fix it ASAP, or your tower will always be unstable!


EDIT, also, a simple ini edit can help with your save game problem. I NEVER hit the f5 button, not once in my entire time of playing skyrim have I quick saved. Just edit/add this line in your skyrimprefs.ini

make sure not to poke around with your auto save on menu options in game, as it will disable them until you enter and exit the game again, the minimum it lets you set it in game is 5 minutes, this setting puts it at every single minute, so that basically every time you pull up your menu out of combat, the game saves.
Edited by ArtMurder
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Oh and @ Lukezkee I already have ENBoost installed. It came with my RealVision ENB which is relatively new, so I guess thats why my newest game is more stable then the others. (more stable being not crashing every 30 minutes) Would something like Safety Load might help me a little more? I have been skeptical about trying it.

Safety Load, as far as I can tell, will force a CTD when your game hangs on an infinite loading screen. :P

Handy, but won't increase performance.


All I can suggest is the iNumThreads tweak and using TextureOptimizer.


How does the 780 run Skyrim, by the way?

680 isn't doing me justice anymore, not enough Vram for SLI gaming. :(

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Oh and @ Lukezkee I already have ENBoost installed. It came with my RealVision ENB which is relatively new, so I guess thats why my newest game is more stable then the others. (more stable being not crashing every 30 minutes) Would something like Safety Load might help me a little more? I have been skeptical about trying it.

Safety Load, as far as I can tell, will force a CTD when your game hangs on an infinite loading screen. :tongue:

Handy, but won't increase performance.


All I can suggest is the iNumThreads tweak and using TextureOptimizer.


How does the 780 run Skyrim, by the way?

680 isn't doing me justice anymore, not enough Vram for SLI gaming. :sad:


I assume you got the 2GB one.

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Yeah your not alone, I been troubleshooting skyrim mods for months and it feels as if I reached my limits. I get the exterior CTD, never interior. My mods are mostly weapon and armor. It's freaking insane how paranoid one can get from fear of CTD. I say CTD are more fearful then BSOD, because at least BSOD can be solved with less complexity. I guess we have no choice but to wait for better tool. Crashing in Skyrim is the norm. Those few people who managed to get their Skyrim stable with 200+ mods are the few and proud. Highly well informed then others too. I feel your pain tbangwin.

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