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Tebeas - BANNED

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Tebeas banned

Aggressively belittling other members, another member's and real world individuals' creations
Spamming a mod author's mod page with walls of text barely related to the mod author's creation itself
False statement about membership status
Remarks that can be construed as discriminatory

Comments (walls of text behind a spoiler) - excerpt

I did not read the rest of your post because I already read the exact same shill posts tens of times.
if only we had freedom of speech on nexus
All you did so far is lick corporate boot, and guess what?
I've had my Nexus account for 8 years now. I have lifetime premium membership.
I currently have over 200 mods in TW3 from my last playthrough (like 90% of them I don't even need, that's the reality of modding)
What are you going to do next, tell us about your Blacked subscription? Lmao
simply because they f***ed up from the start, over estimating their potential in terms of funding, the time they had (despite all they delayed witcher 3 like 2 times heh..) and their skills.
they just added a s*** ton of white question marks all around the map containing nothing but some shitty treasure or a few monsters
If they cannot make a decent game within 7 years and huge funding, just imagine all of the crunch time they forced on the witcher 3 devs.
Bro.. 3 thousand hours? That is 125 days, like 1/3 of a year wtf
My guy, he went over every single part of the development and the game.. Over 30 minutes of a pure video essay fueled by nothing but autism.
Corporate boot licking, leftist agendas, every third character is a mixed-race gay token.
The game is held together by nothing more than coomers and their mods, no one actually 'plays' the game other than to jack off to 3D booty lmao.
Corporate boot licking, leftist agendas, every third character is a mixed-race gay token

Entire comments

24 November 2022, 7:26PM


All I see is words words words.. Bro, the author of blitz fx did a great job at optimizing the mod and the 'in-house' features will be nowhere near as performance friendly as blitz lmao. They confirmed it.. either 4k 60 fps 'RT' off or 4k 30 fps 'RT' on consoles but like I said it is not ray tracing but ray tracing FEATURES which is a completely different thing.. Educate yourself.. Also comparing blitz fx to some basic reshade preset is insulting the author.. Blitz is FAR more than that..


Regardless, What does cyberpunk have to do with witcher?? I do not know what type of ray tracing that game uses as I never played it but from your comments I am guessing it is also just ray tracing *features* which like I said, is a half assed half baked version of true RT. And if you look 'closely' in the trailer many objects like stones still DO NOT have shadows even with 'RT' kek. Besides IIRC they said themselves on stream that the game does not have ray tracing but ray tracing functions.. Do you really want me to spend 30 minutes looking at the VOD?


As for DLSS.. Watch comparesions on youtube.. It looks horrible in slow motion as it literally uses AI to render INACCURATE frames, putting vaseline on the entire screen in the process.. I am not interested in the development of that 'technology'.. All I know is that CDPR mentioned DLSS 3 not 2.


And you literally admitted yourself that the grass uses methods that modders used years ago lmao. If I go in game RIGHT NOW and enable SSR in reshade the grass will look EXACTLY the same as in the 'trailer'. Are you telling me that you are going to spend 10 hours looking at 'ambient occlusion self shadowing grass' with passion, lmao? Had they not mentioned it you would most likely not notice the difference or forget about it within a few hours.


Like I said, do you want to tell me that you are going to stop dead in your tracks to look at.. Armor reflections? The ones that are so far away from the camera that you are barely able to see them? Oh look it REFLECTS THAT SHACK OVER THERE!!.. Lmao

Edited by Tebeas, 24 November 2022 - 07:28 PM.

25 November 2022, 5:36PM

FYI, the original vision of the game was shown in 2013 but had to be HEAVILY downgraded to launch on consoles.

27 November 2022 - 01:35 AM

They knew how they wanted the game to look but got their balls in-between a french power press because of doing deals with sony and microsoft. Look it up, they literally pay publishers so that the game does not look better on PC/their competitors console than on their own. For every step forward they took with 'increasing the graphical fidelity' in 2014-2015 they took 10 backwards. I did not read the rest of your post because I already read the exact same shill posts tens of times.. Point is, as someone who 'worked in industry' before you should know that there is this thing called 'graphical settings' which is used by many games. The whole situation is a huge mess, but they could have pushed their limits for people with powerful graphics cards and let the rest tone down the visuals. They did not do that however because, in their own words, 'if not for the consoles (money) there would be no witcher 3 as it is'


Instead of trying to find a work around for their funding problem they decided to just downgrade the game and set the bar at the worst performing console, Xbox One. It is their own fault, they should have foreseen that making such a huge game would have it's costs. If they made a shorter game like witcher 2 they could have easily spent more time and resources on the graphics and details. Witcher 3 is as wide as an ocean but as shallow as a puddle.


Also, it was confirmed that the 2013 gameplay trailer was run on a GTX 980, possibly not even the TI model..

Edited by Tebeas, 27 November 2022 - 01:42 AM.

27 November 2022 - 01:48 AM

Ah, if only we had freedom of speech on nexus.. All you did so far is lick corporate boot, and guess what? I am still using windows 7, despite the fact that I was told I would switch to 10 for years on end.. Not everyone is a mindless coonsoomer like you.


>I've had my Nexus account for 8 years now. I have lifetime premium membership. I currently have over 200 mods in TW3 from my last playthrough (like 90% of them I don't even need, that's the reality of modding) and God knows how many thousands I've downloaded for Skyrim, Fallout, etc... over the years.


What are you going to do next, tell us about your Blacked subscription? Lmao

Edited by Tebeas, 27 November 2022 - 01:54 AM.

28 November 2022 - 04:50 AM

First of all, do you really think that the over-saturated fantasy cartoon like graphics with a yellow piss filter on top are more realistic than 2013? Heh.. The trees look like cardboard cut-outs from oblivion, and also shake like they are high on meth 24/7, water effects are GONE, all of the nvidia gameworks effects were either removed or lobotomized to roblox levels, the lighting is fake, all of it. No shadows are actually connected to the sun/clouds but are instead faked with the worst method possible.. The game lacks shadows where they should be, and instead adds a s*** ton of them where they are not needed, making everything either too white or pitch dark unless you fix it with mods. You are followed 24/7 by a fake light which makes geralt glow in the dark because they did not know how to implement a decent torch system in game. All around the lighting in-game is horrible, especially the one from light sources which behave like LED lightbulbs.


2013 was far more realistic.. The only reason you think that 2015 is better is due to the fact that 2013 was UNFINISHED and lacked things like high quality character textures which were slightly improved in 2015.. Had they improved and ported those over to the 2013 build there would be no doubt which one is the king. They changed the entire rendering system after VGX and the 'artstyle' had to suffer because of that, we both know that they also wanted to market to teenagers hence all of the sassy dialogue and cutscenes showing 'half naked' women for no major reason at all. Zoomers (humans in general actually, it just tends to get less desirable with age) love things like that, marketing 101. That is also the reason for the game being 90% fetch quests, they just give you quick dopamine which tends to get you addicted to them. The deep as a puddle thing is also about cut content, did you know that you were supposed to fake being a wild hunts soldier in Eredin's army to get more info about Ciri? (part of the reason why he only has 11 lines of dialogue in game, he was supposed to have a LOT more because they spent a lot of money on a great voice actor but it got cut..), and that Baron was supposed to be a rapist that (as far as I remember) was supposed to abuse Tamara? Things like that would give the game a lot more depth but they never made it into the retail version. Their biggest mistake was hopping on the 'open world' bandwagon which doomed many otherwise decent games.. You seem to forget just how buggy witcher 3 was at launch, it was unplayable at times due to quests getting stuck for no reason at all, it was a huge RNG and many had to start anew because their game got bricked..


PS4 and Xbox One were HEAVILY outdated even at their launch, it was a mistake attempting to publish any mildly graphically demanding game there. Fps already dipped to the low 20s in the witcher 3, I see no reason why they even decided to port the game (cyberpunk) other than to make investors 'happy'. They barely improved considering the fact that the PS5 has 1060 6gb tier performance.. 30 fps games on consoles are going to be the standard again unless you want to sacrifice 4k and those shiny reflections everyone has a fixation on.. Why am I telling you this? Probably because it will also cock block all future multi platform games, including the witcher ones.

Edited by Tebeas, 30 November 2022 - 07:07 PM.

28 November 2022 - 10:26 PM

Crysis already proved that if you focus 100% on the PC platform you can do marvelous things with graphics.. Like I said the witcher 3 situation is difficult and complex simply because they f***ed up from the start, over estimating their potential in terms of funding, the time they had (despite all they delayed witcher 3 like 2 times heh..) and their skills. They got bailed out by the Polish government (shortly after the launch of witcher 2 IIRC) by the way, which is probably one of the reasons why they were so ignorant, if they could get away with it once, why should their next attempt fail?.. was their assumption. Like I said, if they made a smaller but more detailed game like witcher 2 they could have surely spared the resources to make two separate versions of the game for PC and consoles. And like I already mentioned the graphics on PC are not only held back by consoles but their manufacturers and third party publishers.. No one at sony wants the game game to look 10 times worse on their consoles than on PC and neither does microsoft because that would be bad for the marketing, hence in many cases they force the publisher to force the developer to downgrade the game on PC if they want to release it on their platform, something similar to how you need to make a game for both the Xbox series S and X, if you make a game for one of the consoles but exclude the other microsoft will not allow you to publish it on either of them. The cut content in the witcher 3 hurts more than in witcher 2 due to the size of the game. Things like Baron being a rapist might not seem trivial at first, but it would make the otherwise straight forward questline a lot more grey.. Especially considering the fact that he was supposed to make more appearances throughout the game. Also skellige felt way too empty.. The developers realized and admitted that but instead of attempting to add more quests, dialogues, animals or game mechanics etc they just added a s*** ton of white question marks all around the map containing nothing but some shitty treasure or a few monsters.. Did you know that we were supposed to get kayak races and (if I remember correctly) a knife throwing mini game? All of that was cut for *some reason* despite many of the models still being in game.. All of that cannot be forgiven because they already delayed the game (like I said, I think twice or even thrice) by that point promising that they were just 'getting rid of the remaining bugs' and that the game was 'mostly finished'. Not only that they also learned NOTHING and made the same mistakes with cyberpunk over 7 YEARS AFTER IT'S TRAILER REVEAL and 5 years after the launch of witcher 3.. If they cannot make a decent game within 7 years and huge funding, just imagine all of the crunch time they forced on the witcher 3 devs.. Releasing once it's ready my ass.. Despite all of the 'patches' the game is just as shallow as it was at launch and we never got the s*** we were promised like buying apartments and flying cars..


Also the bloody baron questline was 90% fetch quests where you used the infamous batman senses tm and walked around pointlessly instead of using the fact that you were a scary looking monster hunter to your advantage..


Now that I took a look at what I wrote, wheeze.. Adrenaline is one hell of a drug.. Either way like I said, all of CDPR games come out as horrible buggy betas and then get enhanced editions down the line.. The only problem with the newest 'enhanced edition' is the fact that they just mashed a few fan made mods together and barely changed anything, instead of just bringing back the 2013 visuals.. All of the effects are still there, on their hard drives.. All they have to do is port them over or better yet remake the weak engine from scratch and improve everything. They are a multi milion if not bilion dollar company, funding is not an issue for them due to the aforementioned ESG..

Edited by Tebeas, 29 November 2022 - 03:07 AM.

29 November 2022 - 06:34 PM

I am not interested in the game (cyberpunk) due to it's 'politics'.. I am also not interested in it's development hence the reasons were from the top of my head (I could google and paste tens however you can also just as easily look them up) and like I said the game is shallow regardless due to the story and the AI, or rather the lack of it.


But it is getting off topic, my main point was that with their (unlimited) funding they still managed to f*** up once again a few times in a row.. If you are interested in the subject then I suggest you watch these videos:


And FYI, steam reviews in 2023 are on par with the ones on amazon. The modding scene is larger due to slightly more support from CDPR in terms of modding tools.
Edited by Tebeas, 29 November 2022 - 10:13 PM.

30 November 2022 - 06:49 PM


Bro.. 3 thousand hours? That is 125 days, like 1/3 of a year wtf


You seemed to have missed the part about glass door reviews and crunch time, as well as false advertising.. Reading off the internet? Dude, every commentary video is just reading s*** off a book/the internet and talking about it lmao. What did you expect him to do? Break into the headquarters and steal a beta version of cyberpunk then play test it?


Same old news? First of all both of the videos are 4 and 3 years old.. Second, are you expecting the past to change or something? Because that will not happen..


In-depth reviews? My guy, he went over every single part of the development and the game.. Over 30 minutes of a pure video essay fueled by nothing but autism. You cannot get more quality than that.. And how the f*** should one separate politics from the fun if the politics are shoved down his throat? Corporate boot licking, leftist agendas, every third character is a mixed-race gay token.. The game is held together by nothing more than coomers and their mods, no one actually 'plays' the game other than to jack off to 3D booty lmao. Unless you turn off 90% of your brain and leave just enough to mash key caps yeah you might enjoy it, but I will not.

Edited by Tebeas, 01 December 2022, 02:31 AM.

01 December 2022 - 10:52 PM


Bro.. 3 thousand hours? That is 125 days, like 1/3 of a year wtf


You seemed to have missed the part about glass door reviews and crunch time, as well as false advertising.. Reading off the internet? Dude, every commentary video is just reading s*** off a book/the internet and talking about it lmao. What did you expect him to do? Break into the headquarters and steal a beta version of cyberpunk then play test it?


Same old news? First of all both of the videos are 4 and 3 years old.. Second, are you expecting the past to change or something? Because that will not happen..


In-depth reviews? My guy, he went over every single part of the development and the game.. Over 30 minutes of a pure video essay fueled by nothing but autism. You cannot get more quality than that.. And how the f*** should one separate politics from the fun if the politics are shoved down his throat? Corporate boot licking, leftist agendas, every third character is a mixed-race gay token.. The game is held together by nothing more than coomers and their mods, no one actually 'plays' the game other than to jack off to 3D booty lmao. Unless you turn off 90% of your brain and leave just enough to mash key caps yeah you might enjoy it, but I will not.

Edited by Tebeas, Yesterday, 02:31 AM.



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