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House mod request OR vertibird OR anti gravity weapon (READ FOR WHAT T


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Trust me, you would get lots of downloads including me, if you make one of these mods.


Ant-Grav Weapon: A BLACK alien blaster that shoots someone into the sky (Instant kill) See the big slugger on youtube. Takes alien power cells, but they are called Tesla Tubes. (Blue parts are black) Always at full condition and found at a new alien crash site near the one containing the alien blaster. (Or somewhere of your choice)


Veribird: Almost exactly like the Personal Vertibird mod by Nollemaster but the right terminal removes all rads and gives full health, and the left terminal brings you to megaton, tenpenny, rivet city, custom house, or any other places. (Not sure if possible but when flying to destination, a window to see through). Needs permission from Nollemaster.


House Mod: For the start, to get in the house, there would be a manhole underwater that leads to a vault with a 0 on it. Inside is a Health and repair room, which has an infirmary, a workbench, and something new, a container you put your weapon in, and when you take it back out its fully repaired. Next is a storage room. Somewhere you can put weapons, apparel ammo, unique items, etc. Another place would be a landing pod for your vertibird. Then an office with your own terminal, bed. wall safe, lamp, desk, chair, etc. I dont want any fancy pictures or fancy furniture, I want all the vault and science stuff, and no papers and stuff everywhere. that would be it.



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