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Biggie Bard Request!


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Hello Modders! I'm a HUUUUUGEEEEE Biggie Smalls A.K.A The Notorious B.I.G. fan and was wondering if anyone could either make a bard or npc that looks like him put him on a corner in white run and make a dialouge like "Biggie, give me a rhyme" and play this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_IcEIEYWc34. That could be the lore friendly version (Sense its no music in the backround) or the non lore friendly version: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CHio4lLOhKc. (Make both in 1 mod if possible) It would also be cool if you could buy skooma from him, or just replace the music of the bards. Thank you!

Edited by yoududei
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