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Remove Non-Combat Leveling


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I searched for a long time, maybe I didn't search quite right place or because my luck, I couldn't find any mod that remove level gaining from non-combat skills.


I'm looking for a mod that remove experience gain from skills that not combat one.


Let me explain,


If I try to master my smithing I will level-up so fast that even though I'm 15 (random number) I will be weak as lvl 1 (random number lower than first one).

because while I'm leveling my smithing skill ,my combat skills stand still.


I'm looking a mod that allow me be stay in same level while increasing speech, pickpocket, alchemy, enchanting, smithing, lockpicking, conjurating, illusion, alteration, etc

I only want to level-up by doing combat. (one-handed,two-handed,archery,restoration,destruction,block,heavy-armor,light-armor)


I want to be a level 1 Dragonborn who is Grand Master Blacksmith.


I tried http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/14365/? but it uses script dragon (/shoo) and reacts too slow.


Thanks for looking at least.

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